New install...a week later the fiery crashed big time. HDD doa. New HDD, wouldn't install.
EFI said that from the screen we had, it sounded like the fiery motherboard was bad, so it
is on the way. Now, what we WANTED to do, was to get the customer where they could
just print. We spent hours trying everything to just put in a driver to get it to print, without
the fiery, but no luck. Tech called the hotline, said it was a known issue that if this machine
had a fiery, there wasn't any way to make it print. We couldn't even get it to print via a
thumb drive on the USB port. Ok, what did we miss?
EFI said that from the screen we had, it sounded like the fiery motherboard was bad, so it
is on the way. Now, what we WANTED to do, was to get the customer where they could
just print. We spent hours trying everything to just put in a driver to get it to print, without
the fiery, but no luck. Tech called the hotline, said it was a known issue that if this machine
had a fiery, there wasn't any way to make it print. We couldn't even get it to print via a
thumb drive on the USB port. Ok, what did we miss?