I am new to this forum.
recently i have a problem with my 5875 machine having big black stripe on middle of the page. clean the charger grid manually solve the problem but happened again after few prints. I noticed that automatic cleaner on under the charger grid has been worn out (sponge is gone). paste a new sponge and put back. still after few prints problem happen. NVM value for charger grid (791-007) was 550 and reduce to 480 as per the instructions of local technician. problem remains the same.

1. Should I replace a charger grid ?
2. What should I do if the problem remain same after the charger grid replacement ?

I am from sri lanka and these days we are facing a economic crisis, and imports of copier parts are banned temporary. because of that parts are highly expensive. I needs expert opinion before I buy a new charger grid.

Thank you,