So I'm working with two RZ 390's. One of them has this ugly habit of turning up p04-513's. I understand what it is, but I'm getting tired of pulling the screen off the drum and cleaning things up. Can anyone tell me why it keeps happening? I already set the sensor counter to maximum. This most recent time, it only printed about 2000 pages before it was overflowing again. Any suggestions? Thanks.
RZ 390 - p04-513 (ink onverflow) WHY?
there is a one way bearing on the squeege roller that will get ink in it and not work any more. this will cause the squeege roller not to turn. the ink piles up on top of this roller and trips the overflow. i would check the squeegee drive gear. i have seen them go bad on many modles of Risos and I doubt the RZ will be any different. -
There is also a PCI #22405 about modifying the drums to keep the ink out of the squeegee gear.
Not as easy to get to as a GR/FR.Comment