I got this Riso S3700 that won't ink up..Don't know what is causing this . All of a sudden new Ink put in wont pump. Any suggestions. This Drum was from a RP3700 and has worked for the past 6 months.
Riso S3700 Wont Ink Drum
I have seen some issues. First is the new ink damaged in any way. I have seen them shipped and get cracks in the top of the ink tube. This will cause the ink pump to suck air and not ink. Is the inking motor turning? If not then it may be a bad ink motor. If it is turning the ink may be bad. A few years a go there was a bad batch of ink out there if it is old ink. Last thing there is a screen inside of your ink pump. If this is clogged with debris it also will not pump. -
Is there a way to access this ink pump filter without taking the whole thing apart? I have been buying up used drums whenever I can, and have discovered that at least 4 of them seem to have bad ink pumps. I want to try cleaning this filter before i give up on them.
I purchased one of the tech manuals, and I have had a hard time locating it in the diagram.Comment
since you have a tech book run the test mode to run the ink the drum on a known good drum. listen for the sound of the inking motor coming on. take a drum that you think is not good and run it. if you do not hear the motor then the motor is bad. if you can hear it running then it is cloggedComment
I think I have the exact same problem and don't know how to proceed. Please kindly forward instructions on how to proceed to me via email: x.pat00@yahoo.comComment
I very recently, for the firs time ever, disassembled completely into pieces the drum for RISO RA4050. I got the ink screen,/silk screen, the pump, motor, motor drive board, drum drive board, all apart. This enabled me to clean thoroughly all the messy ink in the unit.
BEWARE :You need plenty of diesel or kerosene, rags, WD-40, overall, hand gloves, & overall. It is quiet messy doing the job, prepare to get dirty, a lot of patience is necessary. you may also need to cancel some of the day's engagement! BUT all in all, it was a very good experience, I learn t a lot about these drums, especially that they can actually be repaired.Comment
Hello to all, I must admit that after praising myself about cleaning the Risograph drum RA4050, (see previous post above), I have now run into real difficulties with the machine. After putting in the DRUM, the initial E61code disappeared, then E04 came on, after switching on/off/on it also went. BUT now another error code has come on E03, it has refused to go away. The manual says that E03 means: "If the angular MAGNET is not detected by the angular sensor(0-180degree)after clamp rotates....".
Where exactly is this magnet located? is it on the drum? Can't m/c do without it? I say this coz there's a small round piece of metal which fell off from end of the drum as i was cleaning. I lost it, can't locate it at all. Any help is welcome.Comment
Thank you my brother joelsa for your help. I am 100% sure that I have lost that magnet. I cannot locate it at all, three days of search for it has yielded nothing. WHAT can I do now? Can I IMPROVISE, like trying to shape any piece of magnet and put in its place? No one seems to be having that piece around here, and as you know these are v. old machines. What else can really be done?
Thank you in advance.Comment