I recently bought a Canon IR3100CN that seems to be in faily good shape except that the prints have white lines in different places on the prints. I don't have either a service manual or a regular one so I don't have a clue where to start on this problem, I guess there is some kind of cleaning that has to be done though... I'm trying my luck with you copier wizards of this forum, and hope that you can help me out. I also have got a few paper jams and the error code E000020-0081, I read that you can clean the sensor in the drum unit to get rid of this problem, but how...
I'm attaching a scan of one of my prints to show exactly what my problem is all about.
I recently bought a Canon IR3100CN that seems to be in faily good shape except that the prints have white lines in different places on the prints. I don't have either a service manual or a regular one so I don't have a clue where to start on this problem, I guess there is some kind of cleaning that has to be done though... I'm trying my luck with you copier wizards of this forum, and hope that you can help me out. I also have got a few paper jams and the error code E000020-0081, I read that you can clean the sensor in the drum unit to get rid of this problem, but how...
I'm attaching a scan of one of my prints to show exactly what my problem is all about.