IR3100CN white lines problem...

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  • mrprint
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 9


    IR3100CN white lines problem...


    I recently bought a Canon IR3100CN that seems to be in faily good shape except that the prints have white lines in different places on the prints. I don't have either a service manual or a regular one so I don't have a clue where to start on this problem, I guess there is some kind of cleaning that has to be done though... I'm trying my luck with you copier wizards of this forum, and hope that you can help me out. I also have got a few paper jams and the error code E000020-0081, I read that you can clean the sensor in the drum unit to get rid of this problem, but how...

    I'm attaching a scan of one of my prints to show exactly what my problem is all about.


  • mrfixit51
    Lead Service Technician

    1,000+ Posts
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    What I see in your printout is probably some debris inside the cyan developer limiting developer flow over the magnetic roller. I have to assume that the print was made in LTR-R orientation. You state you bought this copier, I assume you are not a tech? The drum needs to be removed to spray some canned air into the patch sensor that looks at the drum, that is what is causing the E020-0081 codes.

    Also, this image I hope is not representative of how you plan to use this copier. Full page color like this can be done occasionally on the 3100 series, but not all the time. It is a color enabled copier, not a full color copier like it's more robust cousin, the 3200 series.
    "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"


    • blazebusiness

      Site Contributor
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      Probably not the advice you wanted but place a service call with a Canon trained tech. If you don't know the history of this machine...there have been many updates to firmware to solve a lot of inherent problems and a full cleaning and evaluation of the unit you purchased is in order. In the long run you'll be glad you did this. This model is only good if you have a tech that really knows the model.
      sigpicAnything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier


      • blazebusiness

        Site Contributor
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        • Apr 2010
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        Originally posted by mrfixit51
        What I see in your printout is probably some debris inside the cyan developer limiting developer flow over the magnetic roller. I have to assume that the print was made in LTR-R orientation. You state you bought this copier, I assume you are not a tech? The drum needs to be removed to spray some canned air into the patch sensor that looks at the drum, that is what is causing the E020-0081 codes.

        Also, this image I hope is not representative of how you plan to use this copier. Full page color like this can be done occasionally on the 3100 series, but not all the time. It is a color enabled copier, not a full color copier like it's more robust cousin, the 3200 series.
        Mr Fixits advice that you should not use this unit exclusively for full color prints is sound. I always enjoy his posts. This copier is for b&w use with occasional color. However ... I would not blow that sensor with air ever. It needs to be wiped with a damp (never a dry) cloth.
        sigpicAnything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier


        • dhanesh
          • Jun 2010
          • 63

          In my simple knowledge in IRC 3100 machines this problem may comes with the damage of lower roller of fixing assembly


          • tinnyjay
            Senior Tech

            500+ Posts
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            From the Service Manual i found this :
            Checking the Soiling of the Window
            When the window of the light-emitting/receiving segment of the patch image read sensor becomes soiled with stray toner, the machine will not be able to accurately
            measure the density of the patch image. To avoid the problem, the machine checks the patch image read sensor for soiling. While initial multiple rotation is under
            way, the machine measures the light from the surface of the drum without depositing any toner on it (drum background measurement); it will assume that the window
            is soiled if the measurement is lower than a specific level (COPIER>DISPLAY>DENS>P-SENS-P), thus indicating an error code (E020-0081) and stopping
            its operation.
            Although the machine does not check the ATR sensor for soiling, the sensor is equipped with a shutter to prevent soiling; the shutter opens only when the ATR
            sensor measures the developer density on the developing cylinder and remains closed at other times."

            Set P-SENS_P valute 400-600 still everything will be ok.
            "Who loves the roses,must also bear thumbs"


            • mrfixit51
              Lead Service Technician

              1,000+ Posts
              • Oct 2008
              • 1975

              To avoid confusion, the 0081 refers to the Patch sensor, as indicated in the first 2/3's of your paragraph.

              It does not have anything to do with the ATR sensor, that has the shutter assembly, mounted to the left of the developer rotary.

              Good info though in the first 2/3's ;-)
              "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"


              • mrprint
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 9

                Thank you all for your reply!
                mrfixit51:> no I'm not really a tech at all regarding copiers. I was just hoping that I could try to sort this out myself (with some expertise walk trough...) since I consider myself as a tech in other computer related hardware areas. I do not intend to use the machine as my picture above (full color), it's just that I did a few prints like this and that's when the lines showed best. I should tell you that the lines shows even in other colors (not just cyan as in the sky in the attached picture), could the debri be elsewhere? I did print the picture in LTR-R orientation, but the lines shows in all kinds of orientation even in A3 prints, but they doesn't always show on prints. I will try to clean the sensor on the drum to get rid of the E000020-0081 error code.


                • mrprint
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 9

                  blazebusiness:>Yes, It would probably be the best thing to call a Canon trained tech and have the machine completely looked over. I guess that it could end up cost a lot of money though... I will give it a go with your advice on the damp cloth on the drum sensor to see If I could have it running again.


                  • blazebusiness

                    Site Contributor
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                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1247

                    Removing the Drum Unit
                    Open the front cover and the toner cartridge access cover, and check to be sure that the
                    toner cartridge (magenta) is in view. Do not remove drum if other color is in that position. Wish I had a photo to illustrate the mag position.
                    Then remove the 2 drum unit securing screws and also the black screw securing the itb belt tensioner. You must release the itb belt tension prior to removing drum unit. Remove the drum & cover it up to avoid exposure to light.
                    Now you have access to the area where the patch sensor is. That sensor is not on the drum but in the hole where the drum was...shine a light upward. You will see a rectangular glass window that is covered by toner. Clean it.
                    What would really help you is if the other guys have photos they could post here illustrating what I have just described.
                    I only post this info because u seem determined to attempt this procedure. Hope this helps but really would be a better investment if you got a service call.

                    This may help you to get rid of the E20 code but you are still left with the developer unit debris Mrfixit described as causing your cq problem.

                    This assumes of course,that you don't need a new drum or dv units which can also contribute to that E20 code as those parts age.
                    sigpicAnything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier


                    • mrprint
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 9

                      Thank you for your walk trough, I will give it a try!
                      If anyone does have pictures of the procedure? It would of course be great!
                      Thank's again!


                      • blazebusiness

                        Site Contributor
                        1,000+ Posts
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1247

                        If the white lines are occurring in the crossfeed direction... MarcLucas may be correct. If the lines are in the feed direction continue to suspect the developer units.
                        sigpicAnything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier


                        • tinnyjay
                          Senior Tech

                          500+ Posts
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 650

                          Originally posted by mrprint

                          I recently bought a Canon IR3100CN that seems to be in faily good shape except that the prints have white lines in different places on the prints. I don't have either a service manual or a regular one so I don't have a clue where to start on this problem, I guess there is some kind of cleaning that has to be done though... I'm trying my luck with you copier wizards of this forum, and hope that you can help me out. I also have got a few paper jams and the error code E000020-0081, I read that you can clean the sensor in the drum unit to get rid of this problem, but how...

                          I'm attaching a scan of one of my prints to show exactly what my problem is all about.


                          The problem of lines is directly connected with dirty toner on transfer belt.
                          Remove transfer belt and clean it carefully.
                          You will see,your prints will be ok and no lines over it.
                          About E000020-0081,see my reply before.
                          "Who loves the roses,must also bear thumbs"

