An HP 3500 recently landed on my bench. When turned on it goes through its system check and displays an error that the magenta toner cartridge needs to be installed. There was a magenta cartridge in at the time. I have tried replacing it with a new one out of the box and cleaning any contact surfaces I could find to no avail.
I am not sure if this is related to the issue or a totally separate issue but I have noticed when you close the front door on the printer, as the cartridge tray slides into place and the flaps on the cartridges are opened, the magenta one only appears to open about half way. Not sure if this is related to it not sensing the cartridge is present or not.
I am not a printer tech by trade but apparently working on computers means that I should be to some people so please forgive my ignorance if I have used the wrong terms or just don't make a lot of sense and thank you very much for any help/advice you may be able to offer.
I am not sure if this is related to the issue or a totally separate issue but I have noticed when you close the front door on the printer, as the cartridge tray slides into place and the flaps on the cartridges are opened, the magenta one only appears to open about half way. Not sure if this is related to it not sensing the cartridge is present or not.
I am not a printer tech by trade but apparently working on computers means that I should be to some people so please forgive my ignorance if I have used the wrong terms or just don't make a lot of sense and thank you very much for any help/advice you may be able to offer.