Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

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  • fixthecopier

    2,500+ Posts
    • Apr 2008
    • 4714


    Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

    Cust called for these errors and one related to the ribbon. I checked the ribbon to make sure it was not in a bind, reseated the formatter and it booted up. Started a print, that we canceled because of a blemish on paper. Then she coded. I found some postings that referenced expired ink can cause this. All 6 inks are expired. Customer does not want to waste money on new, if it will not fix the problem. Machine goes right to error after the machine boots part the HP logo. I removed all the ink and tried and it did the same thing which makes me think it is not the ink.

    At this point would pulling the hdd and tring to load firmware into it be my best option.
    The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking
  • Iowatech
    Not a service manager

    2,500+ Posts
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    Re: Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

    Originally posted by fixthecopier
    Cust called for these errors and one related to the ribbon. I checked the ribbon to make sure it was not in a bind, reseated the formatter and it booted up. Started a print, that we canceled because of a blemish on paper. Then she coded. I found some postings that referenced expired ink can cause this. All 6 inks are expired. Customer does not want to waste money on new, if it will not fix the problem. Machine goes right to error after the machine boots part the HP logo. I removed all the ink and tried and it did the same thing which makes me think it is not the ink.

    At this point would pulling the hdd and tring to load firmware into it be my best option.
    For what it is worth, best I can tell the 79 series error codes are related to firmware problems, so it sounds like you are probably on the right track.
    If I'm wrong feel free to call me rude names though. Sometimes that's how I learn.


    • fixthecopier

      2,500+ Posts
      • Apr 2008
      • 4714

      Re: Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

      Originally posted by Iowatech
      For what it is worth, best I can tell the 79 series error codes are related to firmware problems, so it sounds like you are probably on the right track.
      If I'm wrong feel free to call me rude names though. Sometimes that's how I learn.

      You are correct about firmware, however when I started research on this, I found more than one posting stating that expired ink can cause this to flair up. In some cases they posted that upgrading the ink solved the issue, in other cases it went deeper with one person stating he had replaced everything from ribbon to hdd and formatter. The customer says that they will replace it unless we can say for sure what the fix will be and how much it will cost.
      The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


      • Kiran Otter
        Service Manager

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        Re: Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

        It's unlikely to be the ink, especially if you get the error when the cartridges are removed.

        Have you run the service tests?

        Last time I had this error, it turned out to be a bad line sensor. The blue LED portion had failed, so it couldn't find the edges of the paper, etc.

        Run the tests. It should lead you to the problem.



        • fixthecopier

          2,500+ Posts
          • Apr 2008
          • 4714

          Re: Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

          Originally posted by Kiran Otter
          It's unlikely to be the ink, especially if you get the error when the cartridges are removed.

          Have you run the service tests?

          Last time I had this error, it turned out to be a bad line sensor. The blue LED portion had failed, so it couldn't find the edges of the paper, etc.

          Run the tests. It should lead you to the problem.


          Can't run the test, machine boots right to the code. Cust decided to replace the ink after research themselves. Wait and see.
          The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


          • Kiran Otter
            Service Manager

            Site Contributor
            1,000+ Posts
            • Dec 2013
            • 1098

            Re: Z2100 79.03, 79.04 errors, expired ink?

            Are you holding down up and OK while turning it on using the front panel power button? This process is outlined in the service manual.

