Lexmark e250 Repost/Feed issues///PLEASE HELP

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  • cucuklotz
    Senior Tech
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    500+ Posts
    • Mar 2007
    • 611

    Lexmark e250 Repost/Feed issues///PLEASE HELP

    Hi ,
    MACHINE feeds 2 sheets of paper almost every time one page is printed,or the last page of a run.Not sure if this is related but I also get a grinding noise from fuser(I think thats where noise is comimg from)I have tried different paper and replced feed tires. I have seen this problem on 2 other Lexmark E250 machines,so if you have worked with these printers than you have seen the problem.Please help if you know.
    Thanks Andy
  • djandl
    Colorado Copier Solutions
    • May 2010
    • 19

    Couple of questions:

    1. What volume of printing are you doing on the E250?
    2. What type or types of paper are you using?
    3. Are you using 20 lb or 24 lb paper?
    4. Are you using recycled paper?
    5. Are you fanning the paper when putting it in the tray?
    6. Is the printer under warranty?

    Let me know the answers and we can go from there. If you have to replace the fuser, you are better off replacing the unit. As the fuser will end up costing you more then the new print cartridge, new warranty, new fuser, etc. You can get these units for under $200.
    Colorado Copier Solutions


    • cucuklotz
      Senior Tech
      Site Contributor
      500+ Posts
      • Mar 2007
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      Lexmark E250/

      HI, Thanks for reply.
      I am servceing customer who has 2 of these machinesI have no EXP. on these machines.Both are doing the same thing.The extra sheet comes for the most part with the last copy.It usually has the last line of the page that printed before it.If only one print is printed,a second sheet with last line will almost always come printed. If I do a test print from machine,the first three pages are ok and the last one comes out with extra sheet. i used to see this type of problem on old copiers where a solonoid would stick once it was de energized causing extra rotation of whatever it is turning. I have put new tires on .It didnt help. I brought my own paper , no help.The machices area also giving me grinding noises from fuser area. Any further help ,especially the feed issues would be welcomed, THANKS ANDY


      • djandl
        Colorado Copier Solutions
        • May 2010
        • 19

        If you print from the test page from the Green button on the panel, do you get an extra page too? If so, it is definitely mechanical. If it only comes from the driver, check to make sure the printer driver is installed properly. Try using the Universal Driver from Lexmark under the Drivers and Downloads section on Lexmark.com. Choose the model name and click on the Universal print driver, you might have to enter an operating system. If they are under warranty, I would see about having Lexmark replace them. If they need an extended warranty, I am happy to quote one. That's where I would start.
        Colorado Copier Solutions


        • cucuklotz
          Senior Tech
          Site Contributor
          500+ Posts
          • Mar 2007
          • 611

          Levmark E250

          It prints from the test page generated from the machines themselves.IT IS MECCHANICAL>Are you familiar with machine, Is it easy to get to feed solonoid or clutch?Any other pointers would be appreciated. tjanks for time you already put into helping.

