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Looks like Cyan and Magenta drums to me -
In service mode change: Copier>Option>Display-SW>T-CRG-SW Then in Settings and Registration>Adjustment/Maintenance>Maintenance>Replace...Leave a comment:
RandyW you are correct that is the page count for that tray and yes the first column 01 is the latest jam with the date and time in column 2 and 3 respectfully....👍 1Leave a comment:
5th column 00=Machine and 01=Doc Feeder. The 0020 is double feed👍 1Leave a comment:
Settings Registration>Function Settings>Copy>Select Color
Settings Registration>Function Settings>Printer Settings>Custom Settings>Color...Leave a comment:
bobburnsreb replied to IR adv 4245 message the appropriate paper size A4 is not available when using the ADFin CanonHey skatemoreover, try Setting/Registration>Function Settings>Printer>Printer Settings>Custom Settings>Paper Feed>paper size override...👍 1Leave a comment:
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