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7 results in 0.0057 seconds.
MX-4071 calibration error
A Sharp MX-4071 with 15k on black and 34k on color that is giving K,C,M,Y error on simulation 44-26 and sim 61-11 all other calibrations are working,... -
Msata MX-4071 Image File Griffin2/Phoenix2 - Hanging after Boot
Hi at all,
I have a Sharp MX-4071 the machine boots normally but it stucks/hanging if I gave some input on the touch.
I bought... -
MX-4071 maintenance code TA reset?
I tried to do a search for this but I don't understand why I can't search "maintenance code TA" and come up with hits . Anyway I have a MX-4071... -
Looking for Sharp MX-4071 service and parts manual
Anyone have these for download?
Thanks in advance -
MX-4071 service and parts manual
Looking for the service and parts manuals for Sharp MX-4071.
Thanks -
MX-4071 fuser parts
Anyone have the part numbers to do a fuser rebuild on the MX-4071? I watched a video on the rebuilding the MX-4070 but I don't know if the parts are the... -
I have a customer that I think will be upgrading a MX-4141N to the MX-4071 and wonder if this model has been reliable and is it basically the same just...