Today I spent several hours between the drive time and tearing apart an adf trying to check out a sensor problem. after having it apart several times I finally see a little bit of yellow color come into view, and here I am looking for a more major problem. Thanks for letting me rant.
yellow post it notes
Re: yellow post it notesfinger nails
Today I spent several hours between the drive time and tearing apart an adf trying to check out a sensor problem. after having it apart several times I finally see a little bit of yellow color come into view, and here I am looking for a more major problem. Thanks for letting me rant.
in 31 years I have seen all sorts of things in printers copiers shredders.. finger even a bag of green leafy organic matter in the feed of an old HP 5L...
"Life of a tech that has a stooooopid boss/customers! -
Re: yellow post it notes
Just as bad as having to drive an hour and a half because users are to stupid to think to keep the scanning glasses (slit and bed) clean! Hate that!! I tell them to just use glass cleaner and clean it themselves!Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
In my experience, most glass cleaner is useless against gum residue unless it contains alcohol. Alcohol prep pad work great. most offices have them in their first aid kits.Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
I tell clients to use hand sanitizer (everybody has it), not only is it 70% alcohol but most have hand softener/emollients that helps keep the glass clean...Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
I try to call my customers ( because the people in my office REFUSE to ask prelim questions.) to find out what the issue is. A lot of times I save my drive/repair time and the customer $$$$. The ONLY one that isn't happy in those situations is MY BOSS!Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
I always like the messages from customers that say " There is something wrong with our copier, please come and fix it". Could they be any more vague? LolComment
Re: yellow post it notes
My boss called me one Saturday that an executive at one of our major accounts was need a report printed to take with him to their corporate in Texas for a meeting Monday morning. I went there ans the executive met me at the door to let me in. Savin 8075 with tandem tray and 3000 sheet LCT and no letter size paper. Luckily I knew where they stored their paper. The exec was a local VP. Memo went out to all clerical people Monday that all paper trays on all copiers will be full by COB Fridays.Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
My boss called me one Saturday that an executive at one of our major accounts was need a report printed to take with him to their corporate in Texas for a meeting Monday morning. I went there ans the executive met me at the door to let me in. Savin 8075 with tandem tray and 3000 sheet LCT and no letter size paper. Luckily I knew where they stored their paper. The exec was a local VP. Memo went out to all clerical people Monday that all paper trays on all copiers will be full by COB Fridays.Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
My boss called me one Saturday that an executive at one of our major accounts was need a report printed to take with him to their corporate in Texas for a meeting Monday morning. I went there ans the executive met me at the door to let me in. Savin 8075 with tandem tray and 3000 sheet LCT and no letter size paper. Luckily I knew where they stored their paper. The exec was a local VP. Memo went out to all clerical people Monday that all paper trays on all copiers will be full by COB Fridays.
On my day off I'd tell the boss , I'll fill the SOB's COB's paper trays for 50cent per sheet of paper. Refill their toilet rolls for $20 a roll, problem.
Any ones back side need wiping while we're at it, --females first...Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
•••••• •••[§]• |N | € | o | M | Δ | t | π | ¡ | x | •[§]••• ••••••Comment
Re: yellow post it notes
Miss one service controller. out of this world with how she collected information. Even gave me parts recommender to carry along, now that was what you call caring.
Jip that is a great habit to be able to sit with your calls and get a better understanding of the problem and calling the customer to get an idea or to even fix the issue.WhateverComment
Re: yellow post it notes
Yea why cant they just ask if the toner stock is ok... Have to drive out for a call then a delivery!
Miss one service controller. out of this world with how she collected information. Even gave me parts recommender to carry along, now that was what you call caring.
Jip that is a great habit to be able to sit with your calls and get a better understanding of the problem and calling the customer to get an idea or to even fix the issue.
Per the customer... I just assumed you carried all of the parts and supplies you needed with you.The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen HawkingComment
Re: yellow post it notes
This is where the caring bit comes in again. Boot stock is a super time saver and predictive stock can be taken and then if not needed booked back.
Check the yield of toners and parts and make educated decisions. Not as per the custom you cant trust them to be honest or clued up but the communication helps.
Really a post it note in a DF never had that before sound like there should be more cases.
I will go and jam up a machine with post it notes come Monday.WhateverComment
Re: yellow post it notes
This is where the caring bit comes in again. Boot stock is a super time saver and predictive stock can be taken and then if not needed booked back.
Check the yield of toners and parts and make educated decisions. Not as per the custom you cant trust them to be honest or clued up but the communication helps.
Really a post it note in a DF never had that before sound like there should be more cases.
I will go and jam up a machine with post it notes come Monday.Comment