It's time to let go of Trump.
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Your need for professional help with your extreme hatred for Trump.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Uh oh! This is going to twist the righties into knots. So much for their narrative that the IRS is an arm of the democratic party. Lol
IRS asleep at the wheel on Trump audits, House tax writers say - POLITICOComment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Uh oh! This is going to twist the righties into knots. So much for their narrative that the IRS is an arm of the democratic party. Lol
IRS asleep at the wheel on Trump audits, House tax writers say - POLITICO
Righties? Righties is subjective. Right of BLM? Right of Antifa? Right of you? Be clear.Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Uh oh! This is going to twist the righties into knots. So much for their narrative that the IRS is an arm of the democratic party. Lol
IRS asleep at the wheel on Trump audits, House tax writers say - POLITICOEven though the IRS has a Jimmie Carter era rule that "individual tax returns for the president and the vice president are subject to mandatory review."Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Uh oh! This is going to twist the righties into knots. So much for their narrative that the IRS is an arm of the democratic party. Lol
IRS asleep at the wheel on Trump audits, House tax writers say - POLITICO
I haven't seen you and bsm2 this excited since Mueller was supposed to indict Trump for colluding with Russia. Nothing burger then and now.Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
It has more to do with trumpy's hand picked IRS director.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
The reason I think it's time to move away from Trump isn't because I don't like him or that I think he did a bad job. In fact, Trump was great president. The economy was booming. Immigration was under control. There were no wars. Our enemies feared us again.
However, I'm tired of the me me me talk from Trump. But more than that he supported some pretty radical candidates for congress that lost.Comment