It's time to let go of Trump.
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
That's a neat trick. You tell the world that you'd have sex with another man and it makes them talk about you being a homosexual. Brilliant plan, faggot.Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Every time we discuss something you prove once again how little intelligence you actually possess. You have only one go to. Homophobia. Read a book dude. Learn something else.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Get it straight. I have no desire to discuss anything with you. Not now. Not ever. I'll respond to you in the manner that you've earned. And you earned the title of faggot. Why don't you tell the good people what you said about dating a transexual and not holding his past against him?Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Get it straight. I have no desire to discuss anything with you. Not now. Not ever. I'll respond to you in the manner that you've earned. And you earned the title of faggot. Why don't you tell the good people what you said about dating a transexual and not holding his past against him?Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Get it straight. I have no desire to discuss anything with you. Not now. Not ever. I'll respond to you in the manner that you've earned. And you earned the title of faggot. Why don't you tell the good people what you said about dating a transexual and not holding his past against him?
Whatever you say little man.
You lack the desire to discuss because you lack the ability to discuss. Stick with your strengths which are insults and homophobia. Leave the actual discussion to the adults.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
disguss this. you seem so confident. However, you are ignorant but want others to see you as real. Pathe hable English?Comment