It's time to let go of Trump.
Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Billy's mind always wanders to transgender sex during almost every discussion he is involved in. Not sure why.......
Let's get back to the rule he created. Fox lied about the 2020 election therefore everything Fox reports is also a lie.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
If you are gay, then it would explain why you said you'd have sex with a Tranny.
I have no explanation for why you said you lied. You're the only person that I know of that said he lied about having sex with a Tranny. What was the point of lying about it? Did you just want to appear woke?Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
If you are gay, then it would explain why you said you'd have sex with a Tranny.
I have no explanation for why you said you lied. You're the only person that I know of that said he lied about having sex with a Tranny. What was the point of lying about it? Did you just want to appear woke?
You do understand I am just humouring you, right? Your lies about me don't improve your credibility.
Anywho, back to your new Fox rule. They lied about trumpy and the 2020 election so everything they Report on is lies.
BTW. Anytime I am sparing with you I am awake, therefore woke. Otherwise I would be asleep. In other words, not woke.Comment
Re: It's time to let go of Trump.
Nobody on the left has denied Biden had classified documents. The right has been forced kicking and screaming to admit trumpy had classified documents. Most of the amigos still won't admit it. That is the true meaning of hypocrisy. Not what you are attempting to imply.Comment