anyone own a horse ?
So what's with the interest in horses all of a sudden? Are you trying to put together a show to take to Tijuana?Leave a comment:
Guest repliedMy Jetski has 255 HORSEpower......... if that counts too.Leave a comment:
I know quite a few techs who own motorcycles, which is the modern version of the horse. Does that count?Leave a comment:
Yep, a Kentucky Mountain Horse. He's my wife's "baby".
We used to have a Quarter Horse, too, but gave her away as she was coming up lame most days.)Leave a comment:
Guest repliedA guy goes into the Blacksmith to apply for a job.
The blacksmith asks the guy..... 'So... have you ever shoed a horse before?"
The guy responds.... 'No... but I've told a donkey to get stuffed".Leave a comment:
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