Welp, that didn't last long. I'm gettting the wrong name on my posts again. Very confusing.
Wrong name on my posts
Just a quick note: I log on this morning and everything is working as it should as far as the right name and avatar. The problem comes and goes.Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
I haven't experienced any further problems with the wrong name/avatar in a few days. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I did make one change. Under User Settings > Privacy>Avatar, I changed from "everyone" to "members". Give it a shot.Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
I think I may have narrowed down this issue a bit more. It seems related to another issue that I had commented on in a separate thread about a week ago. I forget at the moment who the original poster was, but at this point they seem like they are related.
Issue one, wrong picture and wrong name showing up together in thread/topics list. First entry in the image below, my avatar attached to copyman...
Issue two, main forum window shows unread messages under a certain section, Konica Minolta for instance, but upon entering that area, there are no topics/threads indicating that there are unread messages. I experienced this in the past, as did whomever created the original post about it. I found that one of the topics (the top one) did in fact have an unread message, however, under the topics sections it did not indicate this.
Now, the reason I think these two problems are related is because in the screen capture above, my picture shows up next to copyman's name. I was the last person to post a comment in that thread. It makes sense that my picture would be there since I was the last person to comment. Now, the weird thing here is, copyman is the person who commented just before me, so it may be a bug in "last poster", where it is thinking that the last poster is the person who is actually before the actual last poster, which could potentially also cause the forum software to not indicate there is a "new" comment.
Now, I'm far from knowing anything about forum software, or programming or anything like that, so this is just speculation on my part, but it's the best theory I can come up with at this point based on the facts that I am seeing. Hopefully it helps to narrow down whatever the crazy bug is that is happening, and maybe kill two bugs with one swat...
image.pngA Ricoh Service Tech for 7 year. A Konica Minolta Service Tech for 7 years. Now, KM service manager for 4 years.
My Ricoh knowledge is slowly dwindling away at this point. Many things have been lost to time...Comment