Setting up Scan to a file - network destication

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  • kouliscon
    • Feb 2025

    [CQ] Setting up Scan to a file - network destication

    Hello All

    Can somebody tell me how to setup the Canon ir1022 scan utility for my network.
    I tried to do it by my seld but i cannot.

    Just to inform you i have a domain and the computer which i want to save the file is on that domain.

    The printer is using fix IP.

    thx in advance.
  • doktor
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Jan 2010
    • 214

    Network scan only i models other USB


    • kouliscon

      Model ir1022i

      My modeil is IR1022i so it can scan and save it to network... i just dont know how... anybody can help?

      also email...


      • doktor
        Trusted Tech

        100+ Posts
        • Jan 2010
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        iR Toolbox for iR1018/1022 series


        • zoraldinho

          Site Contributor
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          • Mar 2008
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          Originally posted by kouliscon
          My modeil is IR1022i so it can scan and save it to network... i just dont know how... anybody can help?

          also email...
          You can use the send function.Install favorites buttons in additional functions.
          Practice makes perfect
          If it ain't broke, don't fix it
          A picture is worth a thousand words
          If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself


          • kouliscon


            My idea is to have the ir1022 only connected by ethernet cable and all the users to scan documents and to save them to the network, as well as to scan and send email to a specific email account. I just need help on setting this two things....

            thx in advance.


            • zoraldinho

              Site Contributor
              2,500+ Posts
              • Mar 2008
              • 4962

              Originally posted by kouliscon

              My idea is to have the ir1022 only connected by ethernet cable and all the users to scan documents and to save them to the network, as well as to scan and send email to a specific email account. I just need help on setting this two things....

              thx in advance.

              No problem dude.

              add. func.>address book set>favorites buttons>

              1. name
              2. host name
              3.file path
              4.login name

              File name is shared folder with all rights on your disc or server.
              Practice makes perfect
              If it ain't broke, don't fix it
              A picture is worth a thousand words
              If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself


              • kouliscon

                can you give me some examples?

                1) which protocol i use? FTP or SMB? if FTP means that i must have an FTP server running?
                2) host name must be like \\nameofserver ? or nameofserver
                3)file path is L:\IT\Scanned Documents ?
                4) login name is a user of the domain since i use donaim? domainame\user



                • zoraldinho

                  Site Contributor
                  2,500+ Posts
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 4962

                  Originally posted by kouliscon
                  can you give me some examples?

                  1) which protocol i use? FTP or SMB? if FTP means that i must have an FTP server running?
                  2) host name must be like \\nameofserver ? or nameofserver
                  3)file path is L:\IT\Scanned Documents ?
                  4) login name is a user of the domain since i use donaim? domainame\user

                  use SMB settings.

         name (kouliscon-pc)
                  3.file path(scan-"create share folder with this name on desktop)
                  4.user name(kouliscon"username for windows log on)
                  5.password(for windows log on).

                  use RUI.Its faster.
                  Practice makes perfect
                  If it ain't broke, don't fix it
                  A picture is worth a thousand words
                  If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself


                  • kouliscon


                    I tried yesterday with the settings which you mentioned above but with no success.

                    Just to remind you that i have an Active Directory and the location which i want to save the scan files is part of that active directory.

                    So to the favourites button i choose:

                    1) File as SMB
                    2) host name ALUNE , which is the name of the computer where i want to save the files
                    3) file path is Scanned Documents , From the windows explorer i can see the location mentioned with \\alune\Scanned Documents
                    The location is shared with permission to everyone at the network and, security to everyone Full rights
                    4) as user name i have used a domain admin and a local user both with no success.

                    Do i need to have a user name since the location is shared with permission to everyone?

                    Thx in advance


                    • zoraldinho

                      Site Contributor
                      2,500+ Posts
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 4962

                      Originally posted by kouliscon

                      I tried yesterday with the settings which you mentioned above but with no success.

                      Just to remind you that i have an Active Directory and the location which i want to save the scan files is part of that active directory.

                      So to the favourites button i choose:

                      1) File as SMB
                      2) host name ALUNE , which is the name of the computer where i want to save the files
                      3) file path is Scanned Documents , From the windows explorer i can see the location mentioned with \\alune\Scanned Documents
                      The location is shared with permission to everyone at the network and, security to everyone Full rights
                      4) as user name i have used a domain admin and a local user both with no success.

                      Do i need to have a user name since the location is shared with permission to everyone?

                      Thx in advance
                      Where is the location of the shared folder?
                      Practice makes perfect
                      If it ain't broke, don't fix it
                      A picture is worth a thousand words
                      If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself


                      • kouliscon

                        at a computer which is part of the Active Directory called ALUNE and the shared folder is called Scanned Documents



                        • zoraldinho

                          Site Contributor
                          2,500+ Posts
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 4962

                          Originally posted by kouliscon
                          at a computer which is part of the Active Directory called ALUNE and the shared folder is called Scanned Documents

                          Check if you see folder from another computer.
                          Check permissions for folder.
                          Check firewall settings.
                          Try to create a folder on disc D:
                          Switch and router can be problem too.
                          Practice makes perfect
                          If it ain't broke, don't fix it
                          A picture is worth a thousand words
                          If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself


                          • danilee2

                            If you have an AD with user Authentication then a valid username and password would be needed to access folder.


                            • kouliscon


                              - I can see the folder from the another computer by typing to the windows explorer \\alune\Scanned documents
                              - folder permission are full rights to everyone
                              - No firewall settings on this computer
                              - this computer has no D:
                              - i tried both SMB and FTP and both are to FTP i tried with activedirectoy\administrator and password and still didnt work

                              any other ideas?

