canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

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  • CopierChick

    Site Contributor
    50+ Posts
    • Aug 2012
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    [Dead] canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

    I have a canon IR3035 that will turn on but there is no display & only way you know its on is because the green "power" light is on The machine does not make a sound (not a peep!!) and does not do the normal cycling to get to the ready state. If it wasnt for the fact that the green power light was on you would think the copier was unplugged. I did try a new ops panel just in case it was also bad in the hopes that I would be able to get an error code in the history...but no dice, still blank screen and no movement from drum or dev unit cycling in the copier.
    This is a brand new customer and we have never serviced this copier before. Any ideas as to where I should start?
  • mramlawi
    Senior Tech

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    Re: canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

    First check the Boot rom try to change it ,if didnt work change the ram also if still the same change the DC Board
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    • Brian8506
      Service Manager

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      Re: canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

      Or main controller. Reseat all connectors on main first


      • CopierChick

        Site Contributor
        50+ Posts
        • Aug 2012
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        Re: canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

        ok just got some new info from the customer....

        They have recently moved into this building & said the copier was working fine when they left for lunch and while they were gone the electrician that is doing lots of work for them installed a new outlet that was closer to the machine and he said the copier never worked once he unplugged it and then plugged it into the new outlet. I explained that it sounded like a power surge and the electrician came over (with an attitude) and plugged in a shop vac to demonstrate that the outlet was good. Im thinking it was not grounded properly and messed up the machine and then he realized it and rewired the outlet properly before the employees got back from lunch but the damage was already done.


        • copier tech
          Field Supervisor

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          Re: canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

          That's a tough one, going to be impossible to prove, but I would say that's what happened!

          However they might have unplugged the copier with out turning it off first, that can cause issues.
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          • Canuck
            Tech Specialist

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            Re: canon IR 3035 with only th power light on but does not cycle

            Get your meter out and check for dc voltages from power supply. If ok,try to boot in safe mode(turn off,hold down 2 and 8,turn on. ) Should say download mode on black screen. If not,might need a main controller.

