Re: C220 USB port
I was there today and even though last visit I moved the lead from one USB port to the other I didn't try the USB stick in the rear port but as advised today I did and guess what it worked 👍
I may look at a scrap machine and see where the routing for the front port goes and see how easy it is to change but for the moment they can use a rear port.
thanks Paul.
C220 USB port
Re: C220 USB port
Hi synthohol next time I'm there I'll try that but.
Thanks Paul.Leave a comment:
Re: C220 USB port
That port routes to the back on the mfp board. Unplug the cable and try the usb direct into the board.Leave a comment:
Re: C220 USB port
Have you enabled the USB port in Administrator?
Utility > Administrator > Password > System settings > User box settings > External Memory fuction settings.
After switch OFF to ON.Leave a comment:
Re: C220 USB port
Thanks mo but I'm sure it's not the USB sticks I've tried as there are other c220 at this location which work fine with them.
paul.Leave a comment:
Re: C220 USB port
USB must be 2.0 or less compatible on this model. I have seen Some USBs work in some models and not in others.Leave a comment:
C220 USB port
Hi all,
i have been been to a c220 this morning where the front USB port doesn't seem to be working, when I insert a USB stick nothing happens not even the graphic at the bottom of the screen. It also doesn't show up as external memory from user box, i then tried my movie data file USB in system 2 and nothing. What I don't know is if there's any s/w switches or anything else to disable these ports?
any info much appreciated.
thanks Paul.
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