Hi Can someone give me some advice, I have been servicing Konica's from the C220 onwards, my company inherited a customer with a C451 aaahhhhh! The machine wouldn't boot up just blank screen and the orange light, I discovered it would boot with one Ram dimm, however it would then throw up a fuser error code, the touch screen would lock up not allowing access to service mode, tried booting using trouble reset but the screen locks up again.
Went back with Ram dimms from a working C451, machine would boot up with new dimms but the same would happen, locked screen.
I suspect either the MFPB or the NVRAM is at fault, I do not have either the NVRAM reset tool nor the flashcard or anything that can write to a flashcard.
Any suggestions would be appreciated apart from the scrap it one's
Went back with Ram dimms from a working C451, machine would boot up with new dimms but the same would happen, locked screen.
I suspect either the MFPB or the NVRAM is at fault, I do not have either the NVRAM reset tool nor the flashcard or anything that can write to a flashcard.
Any suggestions would be appreciated apart from the scrap it one's