I have a persistent C-2202 Developing Motor M3 Speed abnormality. I replaced the entire developer unit because it felt like it was binding and that remedied the issue for a couple thousand copies. The error returned and I replaced M3 and the error persists. I cleaned the old developer unit and put new developer in it and the error persists. Any help would be appreciated.
C-2202 KM BizHub 1052
Re: C-2202 KM BizHub 1052
Are you watching the motor with rear cover off? What happen if you run it from I/O test mode.
It works with a feedback system from the hall effect sensors in the the motor. If that motor runs up to speed and still errors out the PCRB is your next move.
Does it feel stiff if you rotate the motor by hand?
Check the 24V on the motor connector.
Look for damage to the PCRB and harness also if one wire is grounded with a screw.
Can't find ICP for M3 in ICP list.Whatever -
Re: C-2202 KM BizHub 1052
Hi what was your last solution to this I have a 6120 with the same issueComment
Re: C-2202 KM BizHub 1052
Here is something to look at
C-2202 Motor Abnormality
Known Error
ID: KBA01200907
Related Products:bizhub PRESS 1250,bizhub PRESS 1052,bizhub PRESS 1250P,bizhub PRO 951
Related Options:
C-2202 during copying or printing. Developer falls onto transfer belt and builds up in middle of developer brush and toner recycling roller
Root Cause
Bottom edge of mixing unit below developer brush and toner recycling roller may have been slightly bowed upwards in the middle during packing or installation. Refer to illustration below.
Remove any developer from gathering area in the middle of the developer brush and the toner recycling roller (long metal rod below the brush). Follow the steps below.
1. Clean and the area.
2. Reform the bottom edge of mixing unit below the developer brush applying downward pressure (area inside the edge of the lip just below the brush). Also check the mylar in the area to ensure it is straight and not bowed upward, if so apply slight pressure to correct the bow.
3. Install new developer.
Technical Notes
Be careful not to loosen the end seals.
Re: C-2202 KM BizHub 1052
I cleaned all spilled developer and replaced the developing unit and developers , machine is working ok,
Thanks you allComment