Have a our old, well not too old just well used, has almost 35milion on it. Right now it cannot duplex. Has that 9203 jam code. Have had it apart and cleaned the guides. Checked all the sensors in the path, PS35, 45, 47, 48 and 64. They all check out in the I/O mode. We have replace the turn guide plate and the rollers. It seems to be getting caught it the PS45 sensor hole. The middle of the page seems to be sort of folded in the middle and in that hole. We were able to run one page through the machine and it went. When two went through, it jammed on the first page. We have ordered the ADU board, the ADU reversal roller and the bottom plate guide assy. We are hoping for the best. Just wondering from the vast pool of experience hereif anyone has seen this?