KM C253 Fuser unit reset

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  • Alex00
    • Mar 2025


    KM C253 Fuser unit reset


    I need some help.
    I replaced the fusing unit with a new one.
    But when I go to Utility/Counter is still displaying the old counter.
    What do I have to do to reset the counter?
  • Emjay
    • Jul 2009
    • 42

    These fusers have a one-shot fuse under the plastic covers. The act of connecting the fuser and switching on is enough to reset the fuser count.

    If for some reason your fusers "fuse" hasn't blown, you may need to replace it (the fuse) and try again. I think an 80mA fast blow wire ended fuse will do.


    • Alex00

      Is this posbile( blown fuse ) , even if the machine is working normally ?


      • Stirton.M
        All things Konica Minolta

        1,000+ Posts
        • Oct 2009
        • 1804

        The machine will operate normally, however the counter can only be reset by the event of the fuse being present at the time of install. It is supposed to "pop" within seconds of being installed. This is how the machine knows a new unit is there.

        If the machine still displays an indicator to replace the fuser, and the life count display in the utility section still shows the life counter of the fuser as being filled with all black squares in the progress area, your fuser has likely been used already and the fuse inside the unit has been popped.

        Simple matter of replacing the fuse with another fuse. The fuse is a "pico" fuse, with the value of 1/16th A. You can go as high as a 1/8th A, but that is the limit. Any higher amp rated fuses simply will not blow as needed to reset the count, and this will cause a "C" code event with relation to the fuser.

        This fuse is usually near where the data line connector is on the unit, under one of the covers. I do not know which, since every fuser I have serviced on this machine has not passed inspection to be able to reset it for another 400K run with any reliability. When they are at end of life, they really ARE at end of life.
        "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
        ---Groucho Marx

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        I will not answer requests or questions there.
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