The attached image is a slight exaggeration of what I am getting but I guess you will get the picture. Yellow banding - anyone had similar?
banding c6500
randomTags: adjustmen, banding, before, c6500, dev, gamma, gap, mage, occur, posi, printer control board, setups, transfer unit, waste toner
Hi Random
Does this occur on full color and/or individual ones?
Might be dev sleeve or waste toner blocking up on t/belt unit.
I'm trying to think what 2" diameters are in the machine...
What about 2nd transfer roller?
There are small belts that drive the waste toner on the drum units at the rear wall of the machine, I've had them strip teeth, might cause banding. Bit bigger than 2" though.
Is it getting worse? -
It is is only yellow as blue, magenta, cyan black are fine. Have put in new tank & belt, hasn't hit it's first kit yet so one would hope all the other stuff is fine.Comment
Might be a faulty drum, you could swap it with another color to check.
The laser units are known to play up in early models, you could swap that too. make sure you set the values right when changing.
This bands will show up usually when half tone are used.Comment
The fix for this is a third type of color registration assembly. The toner density is insufficient in the developer tank and this banding is caused by the developer tank not having enough toner on the mag roll. Request the latest version and fit it, make sure you do all the gamma sensor calibrations and setups.Comment
The part is not specifically for that fault but we have found it solves this problem. Make sure you do gamma sensor calibration.Comment
if this dont work what i would try to do is switch the developing units leaving the front doors open so it dont dump toner in and leave the yellow developing unit out. ex. switch yellow and black positions jig the door and keep yellow on the outside. see if the black starts to transfer over if not try replacing the unit. i have bandiing issues only on this machine twice each time it was the developing unitComment
Weve tried 4 dev units, write units, image process board, Printer control board, transfer unit complete, re PM machine twice (drums dev coronas, etc...), and replace everything else that moves still same results. Im hoping this new part gamma unit solves this nightmare. Ive talk to KMBS Instructors, DSM and any and everybody else out there including tech support. Konica aknowleged the sameples that were sent however has not produced a resolution.Comment
Operator Error
Did you try the flexcapacitor HAHA just kidding bitches. I've had this issue before and I corrected it with swapping out the coronas with fresh ones.Comment