CF5001/8050 Error Code SC33-01

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  • thesius


    CF5001/8050 Error Code SC33-01

    As far as I know this is a brand new copier with 0 copies. We turn it on and it just comes up with the error code SC33-01. The guy we got it from says that it means that it hasn't been setup yet because its brand new.

    Just wondered what that code ment and if anyone knew how I could get this baby going? None of the buttons work, its just stuck at the blank screen with that code.

  • JustManuals
    Field Supervisor

    5,000+ Posts
    • Jan 2006
    • 9919

    The guy you got it from......Not a copier tech I assume.
    From the service manual
    SC33-01: motor abnormality.



    • thesius

      I went all through that manual too and couldn't find the code. But thanks for pointing that out for me.

      Could that code mean that the machine just hasn't been setup yet? Or does it mean there is something seriously wrong and I got ripped off?



      • JustManuals
        Field Supervisor

        5,000+ Posts
        • Jan 2006
        • 9919

        You paid with a credit card right?


        • thesius

          Yeah, why is it that bad?


          • JustManuals
            Field Supervisor

            5,000+ Posts
            • Jan 2006
            • 9919

            No, it's good. If you paid with a credit card then you have recourse.


            • thesius

              Any idea how I should go about fixing this problem with the motor abnormality?


              • knightfall
                Senior Tech

                500+ Posts
                • Jul 2006
                • 633

                IF this Copier is brand new there should be a service technician dispatched to setup the copier, to install developer, make adjustments and calibrate. Have them come by and setup this equipment copiers also fall into the lemon law.
                Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.


                • ebm
                  Trusted Tech

                  100+ Posts
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 183

                  SC33-01 is a malfunction with the fixing motor M29. If the Machine is Brand New, there are alot of locking plates and screws that need to be removed at setup. Did you buy this machine from an Authorized Dealer/Branch? We unpack, setup, and test all equipment before delivering to a buyer. Even if it is drop shipped, we send a technician out to do setup. Seems odd an Authorized Dealer/Branch would sell you a copier and expect you to set it up.

