Bizhub C 352 Data clear

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  • zalim
    • Mar 2012
    • 44

    Bizhub C 352 Data clear

    Hello everyone,

    I have been having trouble with customers machine, after doing the data clear and error clear now its not printing BLACk anymore instead printing in Blue.
    When i send a print from computer it prints perfectly but when i try to copy it using glass or adf its printing in blue everywhere, where BLACK supposed to be.

    Any suggestions or tips?

    Thanks in advance
  • knightfall
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
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    Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

    you must have wiped out the copier default and changed black only to color, all you have to do is change it back to black only on the screen, that should copy in black only. then make it black only as your default and anything else you need, then do the following:

    press utility/counter key
    touch #2 User Settings
    touch #3 copier settings
    touch Default Copier setting
    touch current settings
    ok ok close close

    then your set.
    good luck
    Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.


    • blackcat4866
      Master Of The Obvious

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      Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

      Just out of curiosity, what exactly did you expect to fix by doing a data clear?

      Most times all you end up doing is adding new problems to your list of things to fix. =^..^=
      If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
      1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
      2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
      3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
      4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
      5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

      blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


      • zalim
        • Mar 2012
        • 44

        Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

        but where can i change the setting back to BLACK only? from service mode?
        thats what i have been looking for but i cant find it plus there is no default setting option in utility>user settings>copier settings> i cant find any default setting here !

        I was trying to fix a problem with Start button, which is fixed but as you said there is a problem with color now !


        • zalim
          • Mar 2012
          • 44

          Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

          the option to select current setting is in intial setting, is that what you meant?


          • blackcat4866
            Master Of The Obvious

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            • Jul 2007
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            Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

            Originally posted by zalim
            the option to select current setting is in intial setting, is that what you meant?
            Select Black & White copying. Go to that location and select Current Setting. That will lock in the current choices as home settings.
            If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
            1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
            2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
            3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
            4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
            5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

            blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


            • zalim
              • Mar 2012
              • 44

              Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

              Originally posted by blackcat4866
              Select Black & White copying. Go to that location and select Current Setting. That will lock in the current choices as home settings.
              but that will also print color orignals all black,

              my problem is, when i put a colored original on glass which contains colors like red, yellow, green, blue, black etc etc , it simply doesnt print black in that color copy,
              it prints all the colors but messes up the colors which contains BLACK in them, it prints BLUEISH (more like cyanish) instead of black


              • mrwho
                Major Asshole!

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                Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                Originally posted by zalim
                but that will also print color orignals all black,

                my problem is, when i put a colored original on glass which contains colors like red, yellow, green, blue, black etc etc , it simply doesnt print black in that color copy,
                it prints all the colors but messes up the colors which contains BLACK in them, it prints BLUEISH (more like cyanish) instead of black
                Did you run the gradation adjust? If you ask "how do you do that", then you're either not a tech or you don't have the necessary documentation (or both!).
                ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

                'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


                I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


                • zalim
                  • Mar 2012
                  • 44

                  Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                  Originally posted by mrwho
                  Did you run the gradation adjust? If you ask "how do you do that", then you're either not a tech or you don't have the necessary documentation (or both!).
                  lol i am a tech !

                  I did all the steps mentioned above, before i came here, they didnt work thats why i came here
                  I even have all the imp. documentation i need.

                  Did data clear,
                  thn i noticed the problem with blue replacing black.
                  I selected current setting from user settings>intial settings
                  to keep it print BLACK, it prints black but only if BLACK is selected and it prints all in black thn.

                  Selected auto color to copy a color original and it DIDNT WORK ! black simply wasnt there.

                  Checked my gradation settings, it was all 0 so i did gradation settings (gradation adjust)
                  still didnt work !

                  Thn i tried image stabilization, checked color regist (all of them were within -5 and +5 so nothings wrong there)

                  thn i looked for this problem in service manual but coudnt find anything so i came here for help


                  • mrwho
                    Major Asshole!

                    Site Contributor
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                    • Apr 2009
                    • 4306

                    Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                    When you say "black isn't there", you mean that, on a color copy, there isn't any black present? Not only a little?

                    On colour prints, does black appear?

                    And what if you scan a color original? Does black appear on the scanned PDF/TIF?
                    ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

                    'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


                    I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


                    • zalim
                      • Mar 2012
                      • 44

                      Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                      Originally posted by mrwho
                      When you say "black isn't there", you mean that, on a color copy, there isn't any black present? Not only a little?

                      On colour prints, does black appear?

                      And what if you scan a color original? Does black appear on the scanned PDF/TIF?


                      well on a color copy all colors have BAD quality and rough and no there isnt any black there, the other dark colors are very rough also, the darkest one is blue/cyan.

                      When i send a print from computer, the quality is perfect, the way i want it to be, when i do gradation adjust i print internal pattern and they are looking good as well but when i COPY from glass/adf, the quality becomes bad, when i select BLACK only it prints black only fine but when i select AUTO color, the full black copy turns BLUE and color copys show no black instead BLUE on its place.

                      Yes black appears on Scanned PDF/TIF.


                      • kingarthur
                        Service Manager

                        1,000+ Posts
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 1231

                        Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                        perhaps you could post an example of the problem, it might make it easier to diagnose..
                        Tip for the day; Treat every problem as your dog would.....If you cant eat it or f*ck it....then p*ss on it & walk away...


                        • Gaffers01
                          Trusted Tech

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                          Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                          Sounds like a problem with the scanner then,
                          I hate to point out the obvious but have you cleaned all the mirrors and glass?


                          • Albonline
                            Service Manager

                            1,000+ Posts
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1116

                            Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                            you say you ran gradation, did you do the 3 of each thing? did it complete without errors?


                            • zalim
                              • Mar 2012
                              • 44

                              Re: Bizhub C 352 Data clear

                              @kingarthur, ok i will scan it and post it here

                              @gaffers all done, all mirrors are cleaned perfectly, did it not once but 3 times already

                              @albonline, in gradation adjust there are like 3 options

                              i selected the first one, printed out the test pattern (it came out in A3), thn i put 10 A3 paper on original and lowered the orignal cover, values were all 0 but afterwards it was showing me values again, i did the same with 2nd option in gradation adjust ( i think its resolution mode) did same with it and after that with hight compression mode.

                              in Resolution mode it showed me an error but it was because the paper wasnt place on glass properly so i fixed that and after that it went smoothly.

                              Now I thing i am not very sure about, am i supposed to repeat the same step 3 times with each option in total 9 times? or just 1 time with each option in total 3 times ?

