So, I have some machines at a bank & we all know how tight network security is at those places. The IT has the USB ports blocked. They are getting ready for a security audit, and went in to disable the wireless, accidently turning off TCP/IP, on a couple of these machines.
Since there is no display, you can't reenable TCP/IP through the panel. I tried some Prescribe commands on a SD card, but couldn't get anything to work, so I called the hotline. It took them a bit, but if you hold the Quiet Mode & Cancel button for at least 15 seconds, then cycle power, it resets the network settings back to factory default.
I searched for this info in the service manual. It's actually listed in the operators manual.
Since there is no display, you can't reenable TCP/IP through the panel. I tried some Prescribe commands on a SD card, but couldn't get anything to work, so I called the hotline. It took them a bit, but if you hold the Quiet Mode & Cancel button for at least 15 seconds, then cycle power, it resets the network settings back to factory default.
I searched for this info in the service manual. It's actually listed in the operators manual.