Well, a new year, another new headscratcher.
Symptom was device locking up during scans to smb/USB, no email configured, sometimes also delay or lockup during copy. It started intermittently during large jobs, then got progressively worse to the point that any job over 1 page might lockup the device.
They hadn't mentioned the pausing during feeding of originals, until late in my troubleshooting process, so I was first going for network delays.
Turns out that the HDD storage device was the culprit! I arrived, and immediately recognized the hesitation during feeding, and put in an identical replacement HDD(WD 320GB WD3200LUCT). No more scanning lockup or copy delay/lockups.
I was expecting that an error C0640 should be displayed, but unfortunately this model of device is unable to detect/warn of HDD failure which would have been expected behavior from the service manual. Wasted a LOT of my time and customer lost productivity chasing this one down!
The SMART statistics pulled from the HDD don't seem to indicate past or pending problems... Acronis Drive Monitor tells me the drive has 270 days of power on time and no data for pending, uncorrectable, UDMA, reallocated sectors, recalibration retries, read error rate, seek error rate, spin retries or write error counters.
I won't be able to tourture test this drive until after the warranty claim goes through...
Symptom was device locking up during scans to smb/USB, no email configured, sometimes also delay or lockup during copy. It started intermittently during large jobs, then got progressively worse to the point that any job over 1 page might lockup the device.
They hadn't mentioned the pausing during feeding of originals, until late in my troubleshooting process, so I was first going for network delays.
Turns out that the HDD storage device was the culprit! I arrived, and immediately recognized the hesitation during feeding, and put in an identical replacement HDD(WD 320GB WD3200LUCT). No more scanning lockup or copy delay/lockups.
I was expecting that an error C0640 should be displayed, but unfortunately this model of device is unable to detect/warn of HDD failure which would have been expected behavior from the service manual. Wasted a LOT of my time and customer lost productivity chasing this one down!
The SMART statistics pulled from the HDD don't seem to indicate past or pending problems... Acronis Drive Monitor tells me the drive has 270 days of power on time and no data for pending, uncorrectable, UDMA, reallocated sectors, recalibration retries, read error rate, seek error rate, spin retries or write error counters.
I won't be able to tourture test this drive until after the warranty claim goes through...