befor I tear everything apart, is is possible to open up a kyocera 3035 laser and clean out the polygon mirror motor assembly? I have one with an intermittant code that cleaning might help.
Kyocera 3530 laser
I wouldn't take one apart. But, thats up to you. We just reciently had a 5035 giving intermittent 4200 code that ended up being caused by the main charger. There were no other codes. Just the c4200. The customer finally showed us a print b-4 the machine threw the code. Duh... we even changed the laser before they showed us the test print. New more problem...My mission here on Earth is to help all you Dum-Dums! -
It's possible to take apart the laser unit and clean it. Try cleaning mirrors and beam detect sensors. More than likely though, you will have to end up replacing the laser if that's the problem. (I've only seen cleaning work a couple of times).Comment