3050ci Registration

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  • tmaged
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    3050ci Registration


    The 11" is the lead edge, so my colors (or black) are off front to rear frame. It's worse in the center & better towards the top and bottom. I tried turning off the registration in U467, cycling power & re-enabling it. Auto or manual registration doesn't seem to make any difference.
    The troubleshooting lists replacing a board (Bulletin C048), but it's for paper moving shift, not front to rear. Any input appreciated. I'll probably order a black laser unit first.
    Hope that helps !
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  • blackcat4866
    Master Of The Obvious
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    Re: 3050ci Registration

    If you're the tech I know you are, you've done the registration adjustment at least a dozen times, probably a lot more.

    I've had to do it 3 times consecutively to get within range on a few occasions, and it was a VoyagerE as you might have guessed.
    The laser is the best choice in my humble opinion, closely followed by the engine PWB. The LSU relay PWB by all appearances is just a connector board, grouping together the harnesses into a neat bundle with nothing of consequence on the board.

    The hotline probably told you firmware ... and I would do it just to rule it out. But it won't make any difference. =^..^=
    If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


    • tmaged
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      Re: 3050ci Registration

      I went back today & tried a few other things. U410 (even though the squares are out of registration) succeeds. U412 however, fails. It scans the first page then says "set default". One of our other techs went & tried a primary belt and it did improve some. He said the hotline told him to do the activate/deactivate of U467 as many as 10-12 times. The customer was closing & he was only able to do it a few times. We're starting to lean toward the engine PWB first. Considering the fact that pulling the finisher & AK to replace LSU units, the engine board may be easier to rule out first.
      Hope that helps !
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      • blackcat4866
        Master Of The Obvious
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        Re: 3050ci Registration

        Is it safe to say that scans remain unaffected? =^..^=
        If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
        1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
        2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
        3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
        4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
        5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

        blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


        • tmaged
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          Re: 3050ci Registration

          Yeah, and the registration on the three colors is perfect. That doesn't make sense to me, as I thought black was the reference point ?
          Hope that helps !
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          • Kyo fan
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            Re: 3050ci Registration

            In this case, before replacing the lasers, I would try with adjusting the deflection mirrors on each CMY laser unit. It's what they recommend in case of deviation in vertical registration, and nothing else helps. You are gonna need allen wrench tool (hex key) for it. Just remove the waste toner box to access it:



            • subaro
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              Re: 3050ci Registration

              Re: FS-C5100DN magenta unaligned

              read the entire thread for the above and see the solution this guy posted. I know this is for a printer, but the symptoms are the same and if you are going to replace the engine pwb, it may worth trying this before. You will have to do setup and calibrations if you install a new engine pwb anyway. printout the U00 and choose all. just a thought here and for your model may not be the solution, but worth a try anyway.


              Hy guys, I've solved the problem.

              Firmware wasn't the problem, was garbage in the eeprom data.
              I contact Kyocera, and they explain me the way to reset the internal eeprom.

              You have to install the printer and share it. Then from another PC map a virtual lpt1 on the shared printer:

              NET USE LPT1 \\ip_address\share_name

              At this point send on the virtual lpt1 this command from a dos prompt:

              echo !R! KCFG"SVEG",208,10;EXIT;>lpt1

              wait a couple of minutes, restart the printer and for security recalibrate the machine.

              at the end, remove the mapped lpt1:

              NET USE lpt1 /delete

              For me has worked perfectly!!


              • tmaged
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                Re: 3050ci Registration

                Originally posted by Kyo fan
                In this case, before replacing the lasers, I would try with adjusting the deflection mirrors on each CMY laser unit. It's what they recommend in case of deviation in vertical registration, and nothing else helps. You are gonna need allen wrench tool (hex key) for it. Just remove the waste toner box to access it:

                I assume that would be laser skew ? Generally I would think that would be front to rear skew, but mine is good that way. It's the center of the page that seems to be off.
                Hope that helps !
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                • tmaged
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                  Re: 3050ci Registration

                  Thanks to Justanotherhack on DNet for the fix for this one. He suggested printing 089 & looking for light colored stripes, then replacing the offending laser unit. I did that with the black, and then was able to complete 410, 412 & the registration adjustment. I did it manually three times to get it close, then did auto reg. adjustment to finish it. I then went in to double check the manual print & they were all solid.
                  On another note, we had a 5550ci with a registration problem that was really far out whack as well. After checking the 089 prints, the black was relatively light. We replaced the DV unit on this one and then was able to complete the registration.
                  Bottom line, if you're fighting registration issues, check all your images in 089 & fix the offending color(s) first. These not being in range can throw the registration out of adjustment where it can't be fixed until the other is resolved.
                  Hope that helps !
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