Re: 1075
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the motor is either bad, not receiving power, or bound up.
What have you tried on the machine to make it work again? -
Re: 1075
I work on a lot of old stuff but have tossed all my 1075 parts out over 5 years ago..And
I saved tons of motors,brds,adfs etc and never changed a dev motor.
do you have the point to point on this machine/
are you even able to get anything if you figure it out? 16 yr since introduced in usa
- Introduction Date: 07/2002
Outside of broken wire or bad connections,I would just swap a complete controller if you are parting out from the
scrap pile..Comment
Re: 1075
>>i too thought locked up dev unit,but if you read my back and forth to this tech they latter
explained that they ran the output test without dev unit installed..
plus aint too many $3 parts from ricoh that i know ofComment
Re: 1075
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