Here's what it does, it will start out running fine, then as the day goes on it stops and displays the code.
Here's what I've done. I ran a 15 page set. On the third time I ran it, the code came up. So I put 1 page in the feeder.
Ran that and it would run a couple of times and stop with the J056 code.
The paper stops in the exit path with just about 1/2" of the lead edge sticking out and about the same amount of the trail edge
sticking out toward the platen where it enters the exit path.
It does this on single and double sided scans.
On single side the image that comes out is missing about 1/3 of the image on the trail edge.
I have replace the feed, p/u and sep rollers. Cleaned the other transport rollers and sensors. Took out the Registration sensor and cleaned it too.
Checked the sensors with the I/O program and they all seem to work. I also lubed the idler rollers for the belt that drives the platen belt assembly.
And no joy!!
They do a lot of scanning. I know the total print/copy count is about 560K. I have had very little trouble with this machine so I have not done
very much to it.
Has anyone ran into this on this model??
Here's what I've done. I ran a 15 page set. On the third time I ran it, the code came up. So I put 1 page in the feeder.
Ran that and it would run a couple of times and stop with the J056 code.
The paper stops in the exit path with just about 1/2" of the lead edge sticking out and about the same amount of the trail edge
sticking out toward the platen where it enters the exit path.
It does this on single and double sided scans.
On single side the image that comes out is missing about 1/3 of the image on the trail edge.
I have replace the feed, p/u and sep rollers. Cleaned the other transport rollers and sensors. Took out the Registration sensor and cleaned it too.
Checked the sensors with the I/O program and they all seem to work. I also lubed the idler rollers for the belt that drives the platen belt assembly.
And no joy!!
They do a lot of scanning. I know the total print/copy count is about 560K. I have had very little trouble with this machine so I have not done
very much to it.
Has anyone ran into this on this model??