i was wondering if there is a lube felt for lower pressure roller. when the fuser stop makes a moan noise. i pull out fuser and turn by hand and you can heard noise like the lpr roller is sticking to ufr . if making copies no noise just when goes to stop. has 177,00 copies on fuser. i will need to replace ufr assy. i see line but not in copy path.
Ricoh mpc 3002 fuser noise
Re: Ricoh mpc 3002 fuser noise
if you mean 177,000 copies, I think it is necessary to change the pressure roller, sometimes I gently smooth it with a 1000/1200 abrasive paper so that the glossy surface becomes a bit dull and therefore more adherent, obviously it is a temporary solution to the noise -
Re: Ricoh mpc 3002 fuser noise
there is a lubricated felt inside the fuser sleeve that can wear/dry up etc..
I have replaced both the sleeve and the felt"a bunch of screws on that felt and then lubricate the felt with
the syringe lub that came wth the sleeve.
It is important the right type of grease is used.Comment