This info is not in the serv manual and very important:
When you just have slided the new belt over the ITB frame, you must look for two alignment guides (black and round) on the iron roller on the part that hinges.
The alignement guide at the rear is movable, you must move it upwards (and hold it that way!) at the same time that you align the belt between them. Hold it like that and then you close the hinge to put pressure on the belt (tiden it up) but be sure to keep the alignement guide upwards!!!!
If you fail, the belt will get (easily) damaged, because the belt is larger than the alignment guides.
When you are capable, use your 3 arms!
This info is not in the serv manual and very important:
When you just have slided the new belt over the ITB frame, you must look for two alignment guides (black and round) on the iron roller on the part that hinges.
The alignement guide at the rear is movable, you must move it upwards (and hold it that way!) at the same time that you align the belt between them. Hold it like that and then you close the hinge to put pressure on the belt (tiden it up) but be sure to keep the alignement guide upwards!!!!
If you fail, the belt will get (easily) damaged, because the belt is larger than the alignment guides.
When you are capable, use your 3 arms!