I have a couple of spare PCU's for these machines that I've been using to weed out the old Type 1027 PCU's. The only issue I have is that on some of these the seals at the base of the drum half or the foam around the mag roller on the development case top have started to separate or are just worn down.
Has anyone been able to find a part number for these pieces, or know of a valid one that will work? I've looked all the way back to the 3025, the first model to use a rebuildable PCU, and there's nothing listed for anything other than the toner seal on the development case, and that's no longer in the xx52 or xx53 series catalogues. I'd hate to have to order entire replacement PCU's when until now I've been able to build up off a new development case. These models are getting a little old now, but they've been reliable once the new style toner hopper and transfer bushings have been installed.
Has anyone been able to find a part number for these pieces, or know of a valid one that will work? I've looked all the way back to the 3025, the first model to use a rebuildable PCU, and there's nothing listed for anything other than the toner seal on the development case, and that's no longer in the xx52 or xx53 series catalogues. I'd hate to have to order entire replacement PCU's when until now I've been able to build up off a new development case. These models are getting a little old now, but they've been reliable once the new style toner hopper and transfer bushings have been installed.