Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I tried to up date the latest firmware that was released in October 2024. Not the package firmware but the firmware that came out after the package firmware. I tried on two different copiers and both threw a sc 819. One locked up and had to do a reset and reload the package firmware. The other I was able to just turn off and on to reset but I could not upload the latest firmware. I contacted Ricoh about it and he said they would check into it. Just wondering if its happened to anyone else. The package firmware works fine. And no I did not do each one independently so I am not sure which one locks up and throws the sc819 error code. I may do that at some point when I get some free time. Thanks
mp 4055
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This can happen if you are updating from very old firmware to a recent one.
The correct procedure is to just update the system/copy, restart then update the remaining files.
Could also be a failing HDD.
Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!
For all your firmware & service manual needs please visit us at:
www.copierfirmware.co.uk - www.printerfirmware.co.uk
👍 3 -
The SC819 error code typically indicates a hardware issue, often related to the main board or firmware-related problems, such as improper firmware installation or corruption. It's interesting that both copiers are throwing the same error after trying to update the firmware that was released after the package firmware.👍 1Comment
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I tried to up date the latest firmware that was released in October 2024. Not the package firmware but the firmware that came out after the package firmware. I tried on two different copiers and both threw a sc 819. One locked up and had to do a reset and reload the package firmware. The other I was able to just turn off and on to reset but I could not upload the latest firmware. I contacted Ricoh about it and he said they would check into it. Just wondering if its happened to anyone else. The package firmware works fine. And no I did not do each one independently so I am not sure which one locks up and throws the sc819 error code. I may do that at some point when I get some free time. Thanks
anyway, try to disable/unistall java."loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)👍 1Comment