MP1350 DF dead - until switched off and on again...

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  • Smee
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Aug 2009
    • 178


    MP1350 DF dead - until switched off and on again...

    Anyone seen this? Its happened to me twice on the same machine in the last 3 weeks.

    The document feeder is totally dead - there is NOTHING there until the machine is turned off, df plug removed and inspected OK, refitted, then machine turned on again and it works fine. I dont think the fix is reseating the plug but more just turning it off and on knocks it back into shape.

    Cant copy or scan from the DF, and when opened the lamp dosn't light up but I can still copy off the glass. Also the green arrow on top of the DF isn't lit.

    And Im unsure if its related or not but the same machine isnt turned off overnight but shows a jam in the fuser every morning - no paper anywhere but fuser reset and its away again. The dudes getting a bit grumpy about doing this, must take 30 seconds off his early morning coffee break or something...

    Just a couple of weird faults that could really be anything unless someone else has seen this and could give me a starting point... Thanks for any ideas!
  • TonerMunkeh
    Professional Moron

    2,500+ Posts
    • Apr 2008
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    Firmware would be the best start. Might be there's a wire chafing when the DF get's lifted too.
    It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Hit it.


    • tcs04
      FORMER Techie

      1,000+ Posts
      • Apr 2009
      • 1183

      Originally posted by Smee
      Anyone seen this? Its happened to me twice on the same machine in the last 3 weeks.

      The document feeder is totally dead - there is NOTHING there until the machine is turned off, df plug removed and inspected OK, refitted, then machine turned on again and it works fine. I dont think the fix is reseating the plug but more just turning it off and on knocks it back into shape.

      Cant copy or scan from the DF, and when opened the lamp dosn't light up but I can still copy off the glass. Also the green arrow on top of the DF isn't lit.

      And Im unsure if its related or not but the same machine isnt turned off overnight but shows a jam in the fuser every morning - no paper anywhere but fuser reset and its away again. The dudes getting a bit grumpy about doing this, must take 30 seconds off his early morning coffee break or something...

      Just a couple of weird faults that could really be anything unless someone else has seen this and could give me a starting point... Thanks for any ideas!

      1) Correct me if I'm wrong, but the DF light will normally turn off when the unit is opened? Could be the df lift sensor on the machine?

      2) I would change the fuser exit sensors and also check fans and filters, seems like the sensors are "cooking" overnight?

