salve ho un problema su una ricoh mpc2050 quando la macchina si accende per 5 minuti esce aspettare un momento e poi il codice di errore sc 670. ho formattato anche hard disk ma niente, non riesco nemmeno ad entrare negli sp per fare qualche reset, sicuramente il cliente ha avutu uno sbalzo di tensione , a qualcuno e' capitato questo problema? grazie x l'aiuto
ricoh mpc2050 sc 670
Controller to BICU connection?
Remove and reconnect the Controller.
Remove all units and switch on.
Try loading new firmware. Will the machine boot to an SD card with new firmware?
When switched on "Please wait" is displayed, followed by either "Functional problem - restart required" or SC 670. Fuser does not warm up and no drive occurs
This may be caused by a failure of the VBCU (Base Engine and Image Control Unit).
Initially check for the following conditions.- No LED’s are lit on the VBCU board.
- The LED’s on the controller board are working.
- All 5V, 24V and 12V lines are present at CN200 on the VBCU.
- All 5V, 12V and 24V lines are present from the PSU EXCEPT the 24Vs lines on pins 11, 12, 13 and 14 of CN414.