mpc4500 duplexing issue

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  • digicor
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Jul 2008
    • 1134


    mpc4500 duplexing issue

    I have a mpc4500 that wont two side unless i help the paper back up on the turnaround??
    the paper goes through the first turn fine, then on the way down through the duplexer on its way to the second side it just stops before the last set of pick up tires grab it and run it through, if i remove the covers, i can physically help or push the paper down while in flight and it goes through and runs the second side. Ive changed the duplex motor that runs this section, oiled all axles , no good still does it, cleaned all the sensors,.
    could the timing of the duplex unit be adjusted or set somehow? it seems like its not reaching the pick up section at the bottom in time, thus when i help it it goes, its all for plain paper,no special settings,
    and the paper slides through very easy, no obstruction's...????
    thanx for any enlightenment
  • anothertech
    Service Manager

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    1,000+ Posts
    • Nov 2007
    • 1739

    Re: mpc4500 duplexing issue

    Do you know what the jam code is?


    • nmfaxman
      Service Manager

      Site Contributor
      1,000+ Posts
      • Feb 2008
      • 1705

      Re: mpc4500 duplexing issue

      Clean both one way bearings and rough up the shafts in duplex unit.
      When they slip, they throw off the timing.
      Why do they call it common sense?

      If it were common, wouldn't everyone have it?


      • iliketui
        • May 2014
        • 48

        Re: mpc4500 duplexing issue

        I had a similar problem on an MPC2800 a few months ago. The customer was reporting jamming when duplexing

        It would usually keep working for me but when duplex it would make a loud vibrating type noise. Turned that one of the guides in the duplex path had warped over time most likely from heat from the fuser.

        The guide in my case was D0294580. The same guide on the MPC4500 is B2234471.

