Skewed copies on a MX-654N

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  • Hansen88
    Service Manager

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    • Dec 2009
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    Skewed copies on a MX-654N

    Hello, I am getting skewed copies from off the glass and from the doc feeder. It happens from all drawers but I dont think it is anything mechanical. If I do self prints they come out straight. Aslo when I do the 50-28 auto adjustments the one for oc-the glass says error. I am thinking something electrical or from the optics. The scanner and the mirrors appear to be straight like the manual shows. Seeing if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks
  • mansart
    Senior Tech

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    Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

    I would run through...
    ADJ 4A Scanner (reading) unit parallelism adjustment
    ADJ 4B Scan image sub scanning direction distortion adjustment
    ADJ 4C Scan image main scanning direction distortion adjustment


    • Phil B.
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      Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

      assuming you have cleaned/lubed rails n optics?


      • Hansen88
        Service Manager

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        Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

        Cleaned the optics and clean and lube rails. I went through the adjustments.4A scan image distortion good.4B sub scanning distortion good. 4C main scanning direction distortion is where the problem is.To fix this the manual has you adjust the tilt angle of the front scan rail. Then if that does not do it you loosen a screw on the left side end of the scanner unit and flex the corner of the scanner unit up or down. I did all this and I was able to make the problem a little better than it was but not enough to fix it.we just bought this machine only has 50k on it. I figure this is probably why they got rid of it so soon. It does not look tweakedanywhere I can tell. the machine is not bashed up, looks new. Stumped on this one.


        • xring1958
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          Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

          We got about 10 used sharps in and 7 had busted screens a few had bent frames. If the scanner screws were reinstalled it could probably help when machines are transported long distances. I would think the leasing companies and resellers would care hew they are packaged when shipped.


          • ZOOTECH
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            Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

            I agree that the scanner lock-screws be reapplied after testing and adjustments before transport. But, I believe a major cause of skewed copies (not prints) is caused by user resting their weight on the left front corner of the doc feeder.
            "You can't trust your eyes, if your mind is out of focus" --


            • mansart
              Senior Tech

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              Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

              With the above said......Can you make a copy while lifting up on front left corner of scanner....does this improve skew?

              If so next step is a muscle driven technical re alignment of scanner unit......Good luck


              • Hansen88
                Service Manager

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                Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

                I was reseating connections on the boards in back and I think I damaged one of the flat cables because now the control panel wont light up. Works on a different machine. I have the cable on order. Then I can get back to the skewed copy problem. I am gonna try lifting up on the front left corner and see if that helps and go from there. Will let you know what I find.


                • Hansen88
                  Service Manager

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                  Re: Skewed copies on a MX-654N

                  Turns out sharp has a bulletin TT-030216_3 on the proper way to remove the flat cable on the scan mother board. If you dont remove it properly it ruins the flat cable and when reinserted into the board it blows Fuses f08 and f10. I bought a new flat cable and soldered jumpers on the fuses and that got the control panel working again. As for the skewing problem I think the machine was somehow tweaked. I did all the adjustments and did some tweaking on the corner of the scan unit. I got the copys pretty darn straight but had to max out adjustments and tweak scanner a bit to get there. All is good now.

