got a imagistic 4510 that puts a dark streak (about 1" wide, not real dark but plenty noticable) down rear side of copy on the first time thru. The streak is running exit to trail. does it on letter and both sides of letter R. does it scan, off glass and print. does not do it on second side thru (scan,print,off glass) we got this machine in with only 15K on the drum and developer. wanted to use thoses items for their remaining life. have tried different drum, developer, fuser,reg unit and transfer units with no better results. after cleaning machine it ran find until I tried some 90 lb index thru it. thats when it started doing it. if you clean charge and transfer with air it will go away for a few copies. also the paper is curled a bit on rear side as exiting from machine. machine has a saddlestich finisher but streak and curl appear any way you exit paper. any suggestions welcomed