sharp 450/imagistic 4510 help

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  • jpcopy
    Trusted Tech
    250+ Posts
    • Apr 2006
    • 256

    sharp 450/imagistic 4510 help

    got a imagistic 4510 that puts a dark streak (about 1" wide, not real dark but plenty noticable) down rear side of copy on the first time thru. The streak is running exit to trail. does it on letter and both sides of letter R. does it scan, off glass and print. does not do it on second side thru (scan,print,off glass) we got this machine in with only 15K on the drum and developer. wanted to use thoses items for their remaining life. have tried different drum, developer, fuser,reg unit and transfer units with no better results. after cleaning machine it ran find until I tried some 90 lb index thru it. thats when it started doing it. if you clean charge and transfer with air it will go away for a few copies. also the paper is curled a bit on rear side as exiting from machine. machine has a saddlestich finisher but streak and curl appear any way you exit paper. any suggestions welcomed
  • robycopy
    • May 2007
    • 10

    Trying to help

    Well, I am understanding that you've got an AR-M450/350 or IM-45/35. First things I would think you already checked, so just to play safe, I would check the drum ground, cleaning very well that contact on the top of the unit and the another one inside of the copier. Another thought would be the charge needles ( I had a similar problem with an AR-M455, and had to disassemble the needle assembly and vacumm it, and I used styrofoan to clean the needles - you cut a piece and press it against the needles, they will get into the styrofoam, and when you remove it will be ok. ). Another cause thinking about what you said, the transfer roller can be disassembled, cleaned, inspected, and reassembled - I've got a lot of success doing only that, believe me. I would not think about the drum and developer because they are "in use" on the whole copy process, but I would make sure the cleaning blade is doing its job. Another thoughts would be those springs behind the trasfer unit. Just check if they are ok, and maybe swap them to make sure they are not the cause of that. Just came to me right now to try check the laser adjust, not for the laser, but if you don't get the same problem from that simulation, you can forget about averything that I said. Feel free to send me a private email ( ) and please keep me posted. I will continuate searching around here. Good luck!!!


    • Professor


      1st You might want to check to make sure there is no trash on the main charge corona. A piece of loose trash can cause this problem.

      2nd You might want to make sure the drum cleaning blade is in good shape with no nicks.

      3rd You might want to check the "red felt" to make sure it is properly aligned with the drum cleaning blade and the mylar blade.

      4th These units can sometimes build up waste toner in the compartment in top of the drum unit. Simply open the top and vacuum out the used toner. The build up of toner can have excess paper dust causing it to "drop" toner onto the paper. Cleaning this will help. (CAUTION: do not have the screws removed from the drum cleaning blade when you vacuum this compartment out, the nuts for these screws are loose and can be vacuumed out to be lost in your toner vacuum)

      5th You can try adjusting with TC 50-06 Image loss. (Caution: Make sure you run TC 22-6 test print because without it you cannot put it back to the original settings if TC 50-6 does not work)


      • nightshade
        Chromographic Supremesist
        100+ Posts
        • May 2007
        • 158

        Can you scan in and post a picture of one of the "bad" pages?

        This sounds like more of a logical problem then something in the process section.


        • jpcopy
          Trusted Tech
          250+ Posts
          • Apr 2006
          • 256

          we are fairly sure that it's the drum. the first drum we swapped into it was unknow copy quality. did another drum swap with known good copy, and things improved greatly. put orginal drum into another machine and problems went with it. first side bad, second side good.simplex all bad. ya don't think someone would have reset drum and dev counters just because it was making a good copy,do ya. anyway I still don't understand why you get bad copies first time thru and good copies second time thru as this drum makes about 3 rotation per copy. will have new drum in tomorrow and while were at it we'll put pm kits and dev change then run some copies. I'll keep the board posted after copy run

