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  • vlad_robas
    Trusted Tech
    100+ Posts
    • Oct 2006
    • 225


    [Error Code] MX-2600

    I was printing from bypass on A3/250 grams and i got C4-00 then i did restart it and copy an A4/80 gr and was ok then afther another few A3 it gave me that code so i did change SW8-3 to 1 like it sayis in the book so that i can finish the job.
    Where should i start looking, is this a mesage that is made to be ignored?
    Machine has 21k BK and 41k Colour.
  • glewisme
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Nov 2009
    • 240

    How does your PTC look? Sounds like you need to replace it. They did update the part # to this #DUNT-8051DS11 try it.I've had to replace one prematurely as well.


    • glewisme
      Trusted Tech

      100+ Posts
      • Nov 2009
      • 240

      I wouldn't ignore it.That PTC unit greatly aids in image transfer. They made it so you could turn it off for this very reason,so you can use the machine until it can be replaced.Not fixing it will cause undue wear and stresses on other components.


      • OMD-227

        Gabe is right, however I can add that this code C4-00 is also related to the 2nd Transfer/PTC power pwb. This is the board in the upper left corner when you remove the back cover. If your machine was made before April 2009, there is a good chance the PTC unit is OK and you have a faulty power pwb because you had the machine working, but on heavy paper it failed.
        The 2nd Transfer/PTC power board was RDENU0087FCPZ, its now RDENU0087FCP1. Only stock this if your machine was produced before April 2009. It has an increased resistance to electrical noise.

        The code C4-02 is always going to be the PTC unit. You are correct in changing the sim to disable PTC output and error detection, but you really need to fix this. The code C4-00 & C4-03 are also disabled by that switch change, but there is a hardware fault that needs to be addressed.

        Take the PTC unit out and visually check it. I've had some that were just covered in hard toner from an overtoning dev unit. Once cleaned & calibrated to repair the overtoning, it never came back. If your PTC unit is clean (which it should be), check for any very small cracks in the element. If it looks OK, still replace it with the part number Gabe listed, or they are available in the Primary Belt Kit as well.

        Make sure you reset the PTC unit in sim 24-04. This is very important. The machine performs better once it has been reset. Make sure you change the engine s/sw back on when done to check the PTC unit operation. Also make sure the firmware is current.


        • vlad_robas
          Trusted Tech
          100+ Posts
          • Oct 2006
          • 225

          Many thank's, i will take it apart and check/clean. My machine is instaled since october 2008 so that pwb problem might be here. I looked and a new PTC is about 4 hundred so atm is out of disscusion. I will disble the switch and try to print on normal paper to see what happend's.


          • OMD-227

            Just take one out of the Primary Belt Kit. You dont have to use it each time you replace the belt kit. Use that as your tester PTC unit. If the code doesnt return over 1 week, problem solved. If it does come back, replace the 2nd Transfer/PTC power board.

            I've seen this problem alot.


            • vlad_robas
              Trusted Tech
              100+ Posts
              • Oct 2006
              • 225

              I did replace the part's from belt kit and it isn't giving me the code anymore but i still have a color problem which i don't know how to handle: the color's on the print are way to ''washed'' and different from those one the on the monitor and i have to reduce brightness and put more color for the print to look like what is on the monitor and the same thing's have nice color's on other machine like Hp. I had this problem before but now that i soo what color's shoul'd look like i'm realy pissed off, do i need a color profile or something?
              I remember i did some color calibration afther the instalation.


              • OMD-227

                I'm glad your error codes have gone with the new PTC unit.

                As for the washed out colors, I have seen a few cases on the MX2600 & 3100's that the colors were completely washed out. Obviously checked drums, devs & belts OK.
                First thing you should do is run sim 64-05 self print test. This will run 2 pages of tests. As soon as the second page exits the machine, open the front cover, remove the primary transfer belt unit and check the toner density of the image from the second page that is still remaining on the belt (as its yet to be cleaned off). If the image has nice solid toner patches on the belt, then you have an issue with the secondary transfer pwb (the one I mentioned earlier). The machine is not transferring toner across to the page at the secondary belt transfer point and the image is mostly staying on the primary belt.
                Most of my cases of this symptom were fixed with a new secondary transfer/ptc board. One was fixed with a firmware upgrade (which was being done anyway).
                The machine series is too new to have a hardware fault with the secondary belt unit (such as a damaged frame/transfer roller worn out), so if you are sure the drums/devs & belts are OK, run that test, stop the machine and check the density patches on the belt surface.


                • vlad_robas
                  Trusted Tech
                  100+ Posts
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 225

                  I did that test and on the transfer belt u could only gues that there was a page with some square's on it, barely visible. I think that if i would try to wipe with my finger, wich i didn't, i wouldn't see any toner on it.
                  I have to say that all 3 color's are near end and i have to replace them soon.
                  I atached the print and 2 page's with a black stripe made in mono and color mode where i think that a corona charge problem show's up.
                  Attached Files


                  • OMD-227

                    The first 2 pages look more like a reflection from fluroescent lights above the copier. You can also tell that, because you are not getting that same print issue affecting the print self-test pages (pages 3 & 4 of your scans).

                    As for sim 64-05 print out, the machine desperately needs a colour calibration. Thats it.
                    Run a 46-74 over the machine once firmware has been updated. It will fix those problems of colors finishing early on the shading scale.

                    You dont have a problem with the PTC unit or secondary transfer/PTC board with those scan samples. The machine needs to be re-calibrated.... big time!


                    • vlad_robas
                      Trusted Tech
                      100+ Posts
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 225

                      I remember i did some calibration afther instalation ...
                      This is the result afther 46-74 and the improving is visible but i think it should be better
                      Attached Files


                      • OMD-227

                        Thats alot better!

                        Its hard to tell the true print quality from the scan, as its a low res version of the original, but it looks quite good Vlad.

                        Make sure the print density settings in system settings are all on default. If your consumables are all OK and the 64-01 & 64-05 print tests look OK, there is not much more you can do. You can adjust color density manually after that. Process control will keep things within check.


                        • vlad_robas
                          Trusted Tech
                          100+ Posts
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 225

                          New problem e7-22

                          It worked relative ok till last nigh when i did cut off power then moved about 2-3 meter's then back but i didn't power it up.
                          This morning i went directly to client's on the field and i didn't make it back to the office but my coleague's want to print with it and power it up and surprize E7-22 i have read what it mean's but from your experience what should i first look? I should have it up and running by tommorow if i don't have to replace the LSU unit in which case ...ufff


                          • OMD-227

                            E7-20, 21, 22, 23 on a MX2600/3100/4100/5000 series machine is always going to be a new LSU.

                            The Venus & C-Dragons have had firmware fixes for E7-20 appearing when printing onto heavy paper, but there is no such fix for your machine.

                            Of course, firstly check/reseat all cabling to the LSU & harness to PCU board.


                            • vlad_robas
                              Trusted Tech
                              100+ Posts
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 225

                              I found some new fact's in the mean while: this morning he didn't started like should on the first power-on press only at second press of the inside button and then it printed the job - one page 250 grams - and few minute's later it did trow the error.
                              Thank you wazza, again, for your prompt replies and hepful info.

