MX-3501N Primary Trans Belt Leakage

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  • Tech2002
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    [CQ] MX-3501N Primary Trans Belt Leakage

    I have a Primary Trans Belt that was leaking at the disposal end of the unit. It was ready for replacement and was replaced about 3-months ago. I sopped by today and noticed the same issue - not bad but it was dropping on the Inside Right Door.

    Am I missing something on this? All debris at the time of replacement was vacuumed out. Everything was clean upon leaving site. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • OMD-227

    When you say 'leaking', do you mean poor cleaning of the belt surface or toner dropping along the front area where the waste toner box goes? If toner is dropping on the inside main right door, it could be due to a forign object causing poor cleaning at the cleaning unit. Its not uncommon to have a small amount of carpet fluff or even a small piece of label get caught in the cleaning unit, and cause toner to 'spray' outwards around the main right door and secondary belt unit.
    The only way to confirm everything is to take the belt out and have a look. Remember, it was 3 months ago. Its probably done alot of work since then.

    Was the belt unit or kit replaced? There is an upgraded part number for the entire cleaning unit which has better seals and cleaning capabilities too. If the belt unit frame is old, you can still attach that new part.

    Toner spray inside the machine usually isnt a big deal, unless its causing some C/Q issues, mainly on the back of pages.


    • Tech2002
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      The Primary Unit was brand new out of the box. I thought that once I made the change that this would solve both the issue of build up on the old Unit and the dropping of the excess debris. The cleaning of the old Belt was not good. The Belt I thought was ready to be replaced anyway. I didn't see anything that would be blocking the Toner Box - but as I am writing this - I am wondering if I just changed the Toner Box that this would solve the issue. There might be something caught inside the Box itself. I know about the fluffs you're talking about. I have even found strans of hair caught in a Drum Unit - caught between the Drum & Drum Blade. Or in the same section, pieces of plastic wrapping from a package of Paper. Weird.

      What is the replacement Part you say can help with the cleaning? Is it in the rebuild kits?

      As you have done in the past, you have given me some food for thought - Thank you. When making my Post here, was thinkng I might have missed somethng that I had not come across in the past.


      • OMD-227

        The newer, updated cleaning unit is CFRM-1153DS55. It started at DS52, been through mods of DS53, DS54, now DS55. I carry at least one of these at all times. They work on the Pastel1 belt unit as well. Only difference is the heat-sink unit on top.

        If the client pushes the sealing flaps of the waste toner box into the box before installing it into the machine, it will cause the waste toner not to drop down into the waste toner box. This eventually leads to excess toner buildup & eventual seizure of the cleaning unit, as the waste toner cannot exit. Your problem of toner starting to spray around the main door area is a first sign that this could be happening. Check the waste toner box. If it looks fine, then that is not the cause as you were thinking.

        Drum damage on the edges, around the drum seals, can also cause excess toner to be put on the outside edge of the belt unit. As the belt unit rotates around, it can drop that toner at the drive gears of the PS/Rego unit, or along the inner cover.

        Unless the toner drop is excessive and causing issues, it can be a very normal thing. I've seen it many times. Yes, you are right, it shouldnt be doing it, but it definitely happens. The causes are usually worn drum, belt seals, cracked belt surface edge, or something like a small piece of label stuck on the belt.


        • Tech2002
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          I need to look at the Toner Box - probably just have the client change it for now. With this account, I stop by every three-months to get a meter reading and to check the Drums, Seals (Drum Pads), and to clean all feed. I usually have good working machines when I do this. It also gives me the opportunity to change items as needed, net necessarily by yield.

          You mentioned something in another Thread that I read the other day. You were talking about Firmware and how you keep back-ups of those.

          I have never but when using the ESP (Electronic Systems Protection) Surge Protection - (Sharp sells this brand) had an issue with the a system's Firmware. I started using ESP when I started selling the Digital Machines - due to the fact they have Micro Processors. I give a guarantee on the electronics only if the system is under surge protection.

          However, I had three machine at the same time having Firmware Issues. All the clients had Power Outages and then had problems with the Firmware. I brought it to the attention of ESP thinking they would re-imburse me for either the repair of the system or the Firmware itself - the copiers are on all the time, and if you have a surge, and the power comes on too hard where the systems inner workings can't deal with it, and the excess power has a tendency of frying the Firmware or at the very least, scrambling it so it doesn't work correctly and has to be re-Flashed or replaced. At the time I started doing business with ESP they told me they covered this kind of instance, when I brought it to their attention, they declined to assist me telling me they actually had another unit that covered that kind of issue.

          What I use now is Panamax. It's not cheap but I don't pay for it, the client does. I have yet to have a Firmware issue with a machine by a power surge, brown out, or spike. The Panamax Units cover the Copier's Power Supply, the Network, and the Fax, if you have one to connect. There is an Insurance Policy provided by the Manufacturer if something goes wrong. I actually had to send one back because it went bad - the only issue I had with them is that I sent in a 15amp unit and they were kind enough to send me back a 20amp unit - I will probably never use the 20amp unit in this life time. Short of this snafu, it has been a very good relationship. If anyone takes my advise, I have probably just increased Panamax Stock by hugh amounts!

          If you can make your life easier with repair, why not. Adding the Panamax is a good thing - you're prbably going to tell me you already us it!!! Ha, ha.

          Thanks much for your input - always welcomed!


          • OMD-227

            I may have previously mentioned that we use the Powerguard Duo device Powerguard :: Nothing Protects like PowerGuard in a small amount of our machines. We have a very reliable & stable power system here, so we dont get many power related issues at all.

            If we ever get any machine with corrupt firmware ('Main Program Error' on display), the first thing that is done after repairing the firmware is to install one of these Powerguard Duo devices at the wall plug.
            Of the small handfull of machines that we have done this to, I'd say 75% were fixed straight away, with the issue never to return again. The others that have had Main Program Error return, even with the Powerguard Duo device installed, one was solved by replacing all flashroms in the machine, another was fixed by changing the DC power supply board.

            On the topic of Firmware..... In my opinion.... If you dont keep the firmware completely up-to-date on a Sharp machine, you might as well not even go onsite. It is as easy as inserting a USB stick. I get my firmware update going while changing drums/web/devs/doing paperwork.... whatever.
            I make sure all current machine firmware is kept in a folder on one of the workshop PC's so everyone who comes in, can simply update their stick. There's no excuse.
            I keep backups of the machines (device clone & storage backup) from sim 56-02. These backups are then kept in a folder in the office, so if ever a MFP or HDD goes bad with no chance of repair/reset, we have a recent backup of all machine settings/addresses/network info etc etc. Even if it saves you once, its worthwhile doing. It takes all of 30 seconds to do all backups.


            • Tech2002
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              Good thinking. I try to do the same as far as updates but I can't say that every machine is always fully updated. I have heard the Pros and Cons as to Fireware and Updates. I don't know if it is lasiness or what, but most say don't do it unless you have to. My thinking is do it to avoid issues - so I am with you in that regard.

              As far as the surge protection, it goes not only to the system's power, but to the Network and Fax Line Connections that can help hinder a systems electronics - at least I know this to be true in the States.

              Another thought - I had a problem with an MX-Color LCD. I thought it was the Screen and went to change it under Warrantee. While I was waiting for the Screen to come in I went to the Main Board and re-seated the Chip connected with the LCD - guess what? Everything was good. The Chip wasn't seated correctly from the Factory. Go figure.


              • OMD-227

                Sharp quality control....... exceptional as always!


                • Tech2002
                  Trusted Tech

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                  I have always been of the mind that Sharp, with all their faults, and there are many, they are still one of the most logical machines to work on & work with - at least this is why I am still dealing with them. My negative about them is that I think that they build a machine that they know they are going to have issues with so they can hit me up with retro-fits - 15 Billion Dollar Corporation and Growing! I wonder why?

