ARM455N Data Security

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  • rh112

    50+ Posts
    • Dec 2007
    • 51

    ARM455N Data Security

    Issues with ARM455N Data Security

    When the news story came out about Data Security customer wanted to purchase this option
    They found out the machines were purchased with Data Security originally
    So they finally came up with the information for these units
    They have the old chips and the Product Key for all of them

    4 of the units have the ARFR21U Chips installed
    The ARFR21U chips show version VM1.5D for Boot and VM15. for Main
    22-06 shows Boot of N1.5G and MFP of n1.16
    I am thinking the original installer put the Data Security software in but did not enable
    And at sometime they updated software to Non Data Security
    Is that possible to do

    2 of the units have ARFR21U Chips with VM1.5D and VM15.
    The 22-06 has Boot of M1.5D and MFP of m.15.
    But when we go to enable Data Security is not available option
    Any ideals on what to try

    Good news the 3 other units I was able to go in and enter product key and these units now have Data Security enabled

    Any help would be appreciated as Sharp Tech support did not really give me a lot of help
  • tmaged
    Owner/Service Manager

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    If I remember correctly, once the option is installed, the data security product key goes away ? I know you cannot update the flash ROM's with a non data security version on the color machine if the DSK is installed. It'll tell you it's the wrong firmware.
    I assume the 22-6 doesn't show the DSK installed ?
    Hope that helps !
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    • bilyahn
      Service Manager

      1,000+ Posts
      • Dec 2006
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      Also with the data security kit you will have the lock icon in the lower left hand corner of the LCD. The current version for DSK is m1.17 for the ROMs.

      Were any of these U version machines that were converted to N version by chance? You can actually install the data security kit first then when you install the network expansion kit the DSK disappears. Did this on a 550 one time!!!!

      Good luck.



      • OMD-227

        The 2 machines are setup properly, however the ARFR21U kit has had a firmware upgrade. It should be m.17. Tony is right, the option to install it goes away once correctly installed.

        As for the first 4, its quite obvious that its been installed, but has been incorrectly overwritten with standard engine firmware. That means the DSK is installed, yet useless.
        Our IT guys normally deal with a mess like that, but from memory, a reflash using the correct DSK firmware will not help. Could be wrong on this, but I have heard conversations about this in the past that needed a new DSK kit with new product code as the overall fix. That was on the MX color boxes though. Definitely try the DSK firmware reflash though in this case. Once the 22-06 is correct, and you have the padlock on the screen, you know its working correctly.


        • rh112

          50+ Posts
          • Dec 2007
          • 51

          Wazza you were correct
          I tried to installed latest version of Data Security on 2 of the ones that had been overwritten with Non Dsk and it didnt give me NG message but didnt update to Data Security
          Then I tried to do CN burn using one of the units that had DSK working correct It didnt update that way either all I managed to do was some how mess up one of the boot chips

          Still have no ideal as why the other 2 do not have the option for me to enter Product Key

          Bill not sure if any of these started out as U machines
          Then do not have the lock code in left corner either

          Thanks for all the replies


          • OMD-227

            Have a look at 22-10. This will show if the machine has the DSK listed as an installed option. It will either say NONE or ARFR21U.


            • rh112

              50+ Posts
              • Dec 2007
              • 51

              Thanks wazza will take a look


              • bilyahn
                Service Manager

                1,000+ Posts
                • Dec 2006
                • 1457

                Originally posted by rh112

                Bill not sure if any of these started out as U machines
                Then do not have the lock code in left corner either
                If you install the DSK first and then add the network upgrade then the DSK goes away and you get the n version ROM reading and the lock is not there. If you go back and reinstall the DSK it seems to work fine and the lock is back. The difference (at least for the 550) was the ROMs since to enable the network you installed the appropriate ROMs and then put in the product key. After you do that then you put in the DSK ROMs and enter the product key for the DSK. Convoluted way to do it for the U version machines!!!!

