C3545 roller assembly... is this right?

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  • ronpfid

    50+ Posts
    • Oct 2012
    • 63


    C3545 roller assembly... is this right?

    Hey I was cleaning a C3545, I noticed the actual rubber rollers on this shaft (see photo) aren't 'fixed' to the shaft, the spin free but not really free, almost like they used to be fixed on there but now aren't. I can see it's a gear driven shaft, so seems the rollers would be useless without them rotating with 'power' . Anyone know about this, or maybe what part this is to look it up?
    It's in the door that opens to access the fuser on the left side

  • JrTech
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Jun 2013
    • 217

    Re: C3545 roller assembly... is this right?

    Greetings and hope all is well. The picture cuts off on the bottom so it is hard to expand to open. If the machine is jamming on the 2nd side of a duplex then the black piece above the red arrows is your diverter gate. There was a common issue with the left side door having to be replaced on a regular basis due to the high temperature of the fuser on long runs would dry out the hardened plastic and cause jamming issues or open door messages.

    Hope this helps


    • ronpfid

      50+ Posts
      • Oct 2012
      • 63

      Re: C3545 roller assembly... is this right?

      Originally posted by JrTech
      Greetings and hope all is well. The picture cuts off on the bottom so it is hard to expand to open. If the machine is jamming on the 2nd side of a duplex then the black piece above the red arrows is your diverter gate. There was a common issue with the left side door having to be replaced on a regular basis due to the high temperature of the fuser on long runs would dry out the hardened plastic and cause jamming issues or open door messages.

      Hope this helps
      OK thanks, that does help

