I traced the fault on this machine to the CCM NVM pwb and ordered a new one. But after replacing and doing the Instl Config stuff for proper configuration, it tries to come up ready but immediately after coming up ready, it goes down again with a power up fail message. When i checked last 40 faults, i saw a 22-352. Can anyone give an idea on this, thanks
I have the same problem, the solution and the following
dC132 Serial Number Synchronize
Generates unique machine identifier and with password synchronizes Machine Serial Number
when fault 22-352 occurs.
1. Notify service support.
a. Call service support for instructions.
b. Complete reserialization form provided by service support.
2. Reserialize machine.
a. Enter the Diagnostic Mode. Refer to Entering Diagnostic Navigator.
b. Select Adjustments tab
c. Select Install/Cfg (DC371) tab
d. Synchronize Serial Number.
i. Select S/N Synch (DC132).
ii. Select Generate Id.
iii. Call service support and report Unique Machine Identifier.
iv. Enter Password from service support into Submit Password.
v. Select Submit Password.
Serial numbers are now synchronized.
I could not solve my problem, if you find the solution to me I know you do to me because if I find something I'll know. -
Thanks Tower, after reading the link above, I swapped the battery of my old CCM NVM chip with that of the new one and fixed the new chip (with the old battery) on the machine and guess what?? The serialization fault code, 22-352, disappeared from the last 40 faults table, although its still saying "power up fail" when it tries to initialize. The only fault on last 40 now is 03-338, CCM reset. So anyone knows where do i go from here? I'll continue trying stuffs and update you guys anyway!DgtalComment
This is what EDOC says about 03-338, CCM reset. The watch dog timer timed out or the application software wrote to an illegal address. Reset the Main Controller or Switch the power off then on. Perform dC361 to restore NVM from MRD. If the problem continues, perform dC102 SW Upgrade.Comment
Can someone pls explain why at times its so difficult to connect with this machine on the pws. The pws identifies and instals the usb port connected to the machine; diagnav verifies the usb connection but thereafter it just keeps saying "waiting for machine" until the assigned 90secs expires.DgtalComment