Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

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  • chemicalx50
    • Apr 2014
    • 38


    Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

    Error 179.82A error trying to access the service mode to reinstall firmware but the "holding 3 and 6 procedure" isnt working the error message still shows.

    Any help greatly appreciated
  • blackcat4866
    Master Of The Obvious

    Site Contributor
    10,000+ Posts
    • Jul 2007
    • 22826

    Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

    So the machine always initializes to an error? If you can get the machine to come to "Ready" even briefly, you can upload firmware via USB stick like normal.

    Another possible approach I've used on the older Lexmarks: IF you can find an old version of firmware that loads via a USB cable/USB utility (and some did), you can load a usable version of firmware (however old), then upgrade it to a current version by the usual method. =^..^=
    If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


    • chemicalx50
      • Apr 2014
      • 38

      Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

      Originally posted by blackcat4866
      So the machine always initializes to an error? If you can get the machine to come to "Ready" even briefly, you can upload firmware via USB stick like normal.

      Another possible approach I've used on the older Lexmarks: IF you can find an old version of firmware that loads via a USB cable/USB utility (and some did), you can load a usable version of firmware (however old), then upgrade it to a current version by the usual method. =^..^=
      Yes initialized to the error screen no luck in getting it to the ready screen... called lexmark and they recommend replacing the controller board.


      • blackcat4866
        Master Of The Obvious

        Site Contributor
        10,000+ Posts
        • Jul 2007
        • 22826

        Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

        That's the other option. I've replaced a few Lexmark controllers for firmware errors.

        Can you access the web page? Some Lexys will let you browse to firmware files via the webpage ... IF its accessible. =^..^=
        If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
        1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
        2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
        3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
        4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
        5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

        blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


        • KayDot
          • Jul 2020
          • 12

          Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A


          Have you tried booting the device into Invalid Engine Mode (Bootup with 3, 4 and 6 pressed in for 10 seconds)?
          The EWS will be available then, and you can get to the firmware flash option.


          • LKJUJYHSDR2342
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2021
            • 5

            Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

            Is this not solved yet?


            • Phil B.
              Field Supervisor

              10,000+ Posts
              • Jul 2016
              • 22804

              Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

              Originally posted by LKJUJYHSDR2342
              Is this not solved yet?
              Have you tried the several suggested?
              What have you tried?

              Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


              • chemicalx50
                • Apr 2014
                • 38

                Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

                Originally posted by Phil B.
                Have you tried the several suggested?
                What have you tried?

                Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
                So I just figured out that the tech before me change the wrong part in the machine the error 179.82a is related to the Hvps fan (he changed the main fan 🤦🏽*♂️) so we are now ordering the correct part hopefully it fixes the issue.

                We also changed the controller board but that gave us some error a lexmark level 2 tech had to do a remote log in and used the restore tool to rewrite serial number and other info which was needed for the new controller board.

                Will keep you guess posted


                • mloudy
                  Senior Tech

                  500+ Posts
                  • Oct 2015
                  • 757

                  Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

                  There a way to boot up a Lexmark with a new board in it without "attaching" that board to the machine? That way if the new baord doen't resolve the problem you can then power it down and remove it to be used later in another machine.

                  So when the tech tells you he already replaced the fan you obviously go to the next step which is checking the conectors and replacing the controller board. Hard to troubleshoot things when someone says they already replaced the part that would throw the error code. A $25 repair has now gone well over $1,000.00 if you bought the controller board.


                  • chemicalx50
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 38

                    Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

                    Originally posted by mloudy
                    There a way to boot up a Lexmark with a new board in it without "attaching" that board to the machine? That way if the new baord doen't resolve the problem you can then power it down and remove it to be used later in another machine.

                    So when the tech tells you he already replaced the fan you obviously go to the next step which is checking the conectors and replacing the controller board. Hard to troubleshoot things when someone says they already replaced the part that would throw the error code. A $25 repair has now gone well over $1,000.00 if you bought the controller board.
                    That is exactly my situation right now.. also note I'm not the original tech that started the repair... i think if he had replaced the correct fan (hvps fan) I wouldn't be having this issue but I was told the hvps was replace which actually wasnt lol I ordered the fan so will keep you posted


                    • chemicalx50
                      • Apr 2014
                      • 38

                      Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

                      Originally posted by chemicalx50
                      That is exactly my situation right now.. also note I'm not the original tech that started the repair... i think if he had replaced the correct fan (hvps fan) I wouldn't be having this issue but I was told the hvps was replace which actually wasnt lol I ordered the fan so will keep you posted
                      I'll also reinstall the original controller board.


                      • dalewb74
                        Service Manager

                        Site Contributor
                        1,000+ Posts
                        • Feb 2018
                        • 1093

                        Re: Lexmark cx820 error 179.82A

                        when replacing the control panel you should do that alone, without replacing anything else. then boot to ready screen to see if that resolves the issue. if you replace the control panel at the same time as another specific part then you can brick the copier. the service manual explains the proper steps. pressing 3 and 6 is not used for uploading firmware no matter what state the copier is in.

