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5 results in 0.0158 seconds.
BH751 w/ Hole Punch Issue
This machine will intermitely not hole punch the right number of holes, select 3 holes and you may get 2 towards the middle. It's a FS-524 w/ a PK-505... -
c 1106
Hi Guys,
I have a problem on a FS 525 on a B601, I'm getting a C1106 (Staple movement Error) randomly. We replaced staple cartridges, staple... -
Adding a fs602 to a biz hub 600 and getting a c1139 service code.
Looking for a manual for fs602.
Looked at manuals 4 you but there are none... -
Bizhub 601 FS-524 7217 Jams
So I've had a similar problem with the 600 series (you think they would have fixed it with the 601 series) where the paper stops at the finisher entrance...