Let the truth be known

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  • slimslob

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    Let the truth be known

    Here is today's Dan Bongino's podcast for your enlightenment and enjoyment. For those of you who are not familiar with Dan, he is a former member of t he New York City Police from 1995 to 1999. He then became a U.S. Secret Service special agent . In 2002 he became an instructor at the Secret Service Training Academy. Later becoming a member of the U.S. Presidential Protection Division in 2006 for President George W. Bush and continued during the Barack Obama Presidency until MAY 2011.

    Ep. 1116 This Entire Impeachment Hoax is Based on Lies | Dan Bongino
  • copyman
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    Re: Let the truth be known

    The Dems are out of options. They have nothing else. It's great it goes to Rep Senate and they will call several witnesses Hunter Biden, Shifty Shiff, and many others. Plus the Senate will drag it out taking all those Dem Senators off the campaign trail. This will make them look like fools the way Cavanough hearing did.

    THANK YOU DEMS! This has gurateed Trump being our president for 5 more years!!! Look at the polls, trump is now leading in several swing states. This has helped the Reps raise millions.

    The Congress will go back to Republicians because of this! The voters will send a message that they want their "representives" in Congress to do something for them and the USA not focus on taking a duly elected president down !!!


    • Phil B.
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      Re: Let the truth be known

      this whole charade is unraveling ... not only have the "witnesses" been outed as liars and trump-haters, but it is all circling back to the Dems, but have implicated Killary and Barry as the kingpins in it!

      It is all making sense to those that are/have been "awakened" but it should shine a light on how/why they have been so reluctant to " give up " after the 2016 tromping they got.

      Keep in mind it isn't ONLY the Dems involved, but ANYONE in DC that has been filling their pockets from their dirty deeds. They aren't worried about the Health of the Republic, but rather the Health of their bank accounts. Why did Boner work so close with the dems? $$$$$$!

      They know they will be able to receive a lifetime salary, be kept in the loop and possibly revive their 'cash cow' for a while longer.

      It all boils down to the adage "How do you boil a frog?" You put them in comfortable water and slowly start turning up the heat under pot. This has not just started 8 years ago like some profess. This has been going on for a very long time, even before JFK was President.

      The framers KNEW what the human mind would be like once they tasted the sweet honey of graft and corruption, I mean after all, they lived during the times of the "King George" types. They lived first hand under the thumb of oppression. They dealt with, on a daily basis, the crimes of the wealthy corrupt rulers in England, and they gave us the powers to reverse such a way of life here in America. But alas, WE let this go on until the "water" was a little to hot for us to handle.

      Sad but true.


      • Phil B.
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        Re: Let the truth be known

        for those that think CNN is truthful in their reporting... Notice the Date Stamp on both of the articles 11/22/19. Now look at the 'revelations' that both sources state in their articles:

        Fiona Hill nails the Democrats' case for impeachment - CNNPolitics

        Fiona Hill Worked Directly with Christopher Steele for Years and Had a 'High Opinion' of Him

        I cannot find anything remotely close on the MSNBCpms site....

        so that proves (in a small way) that the MSM isn't giving the truth to their readers.. I for one am not surprised!


        • bsm2
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          Re: Let the truth be known

          Finally a thread for the Nut Cases enjoy


          • copyman
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            Re: Let the truth be known

            Originally posted by bsm2
            Finally a thread for the Nut Cases enjoy
            We are the nut cases but the dems aren’t ? Just shows how much of a MORON you are. The dems are sick people full of hatred. And you sound just like them! Get lost and crawl back under that rock!

            * Added after original post, Ha-ha just realized I had this bsm2 (BULL SHIT MASTER 2) clown blocked but only saw his message because I was on phone and not logged in. I've had this piece of work blocked for a long time now, so long I forgot about them. I no longer post in those other threads they post in because this isn't the place to argue about politics.

            ** STAY TUNED. Some big stuff coming with the IG report. Watch how fast the Impeachment crap goes away. The real watergate is coming and it's on the Dem's. It's Big! Watch, you won't see these Dems post on here anymore. It's that big! LOL
            Last edited by copyman; 11-22-2019, 07:53 PM.


            • Phil B.
              Field Supervisor

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              • Jul 2016
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              Re: Let the truth be known

              but as you have noticed.... we can start a thread... but it is always infiltrated by 'him' and always somewhat the same responses .. " nutcase.. wacko's... " hell I'm astonished that he didn't post some lame ass meme!

              BullShitMaster2 no need to like of thank my posts.. I don't think your approval is needed by ANY of us in this "wacko fascist" thread.. so please carry your ubersocialist to the doctor to see IF he can do ANYTHING about your TDS! #TryAgainLoser


              • slimslob

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                Re: Let the truth be known

                Originally posted by Phil B.
                but as you have noticed.... we can start a thread... but it is always infiltrated by 'him' and always somewhat the same responses .. " nutcase.. wacko's... " hell I'm astonished that he didn't post some lame ass meme!

                BullShitMaster2 no need to like of thank my posts.. I don't think your approval is needed by ANY of us in this "wacko fascist" thread.. so please carry your ubersocialist to the doctor to see IF he can do ANYTHING about your TDS! #TryAgainLoser
                I doubt if he even took the time to watch the podcast.


                • bsm2
                  IT Manager

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                  Re: Let the truth be known

                  Originally posted by Phil B.
                  but as you have noticed.... we can start a thread... but it is always infiltrated by 'him' and always somewhat the same responses .. " nutcase.. wacko's... " hell I'm astonished that he didn't post some lame ass meme!

                  BullShitMaster2 no need to like of thank my posts.. I don't think your approval is needed by ANY of us in this "wacko fascist" thread.. so please carry your ubersocialist to the doctor to see IF he can do ANYTHING about your TDS! #TryAgainLoser
                  Yes we are everywhere! Hahaha enjoy!


                  • Phil B.
                    Field Supervisor

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                    Re: Let the truth be known

                    Originally posted by slimslob
                    I doubt if he even took the time to watch the podcast.
                    I have most of his podcasts saved.. much like DJT, he doesn't mince words and takes no prisoners.
                    There some out there like him but all to few.

                    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


                    • Phil B.
                      Field Supervisor

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                      Re: Let the truth be known

                      BullShitMaster2 no need to like or thank my posts.. I don't think your approval is needed by ANY of us in this "wacko fascist" thread.. so please carry your ubersocialistbutt to the doctor to see IF he can do ANYTHING about your TDS! #TryAgainLoser Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 3 Likes, 0 Dislikes
                      slimslob, bsm2, copyman liked this post

                      hmmm IT manager and he can't/will not follow requests/instructions!

                      wonder how he gets along with his boss?

                      if he served did he follow orders there?

                      but i guess he feels this is 1st Amendment Rights...


                      • Phil B.
                        Field Supervisor

                        10,000+ Posts
                        • Jul 2016
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                        Re: Let the truth be known

                        betcha that CNN and other failing MSM ( yes even FAUX News ) sites won't even mention this part of the IG report:

                        Bombshell from IG Report Reveals What FBI Tried to Do to Trump – The Bearded Patriot


                        • Lance15
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                          Re: Let the truth be known

                          THIS is why I don't get involved with politics and I DON'T VOTE. ALL POLITICIANS ARE LIARS! I don't care which side.


                          • bsm2
                            IT Manager

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                            Re: Let the truth be known

                            Originally posted by Phil B.
                            betcha that CNN and other failing MSM ( yes even FAUX News ) sites won't even mention this part of the IG report:

                            Bombshell from IG Report Reveals What FBI Tried to Do to Trump – The Bearded Patriot

                            Let’s take this step by step. You might remember that during the 2016 Election, we discovered the FBI was “monitoring” (a.k.a.: spying) on one of Trump’s campaign staffers. They were looking into his emails and perhaps much more. The FBI was able to commit this violation of Carter Page’s 4th Amendment Rights, thanks to a FISA warrant.
                            But it was quickly learned that they acquired this warrant with false information. Specifically, that bogus dossier created by Christopher Steele and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Basically, Obama’s FBI got a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, using false information created by Hillary Clinton.
                            Never, fear, gentle patriots. Lindsey Graham has confirmed the report will be released December 9. In the meantime, we can mull over this bombshell: an FBI lawyer altered a document in order to get the FISA warrant against Carter Page.

                            hmmm isn't this what #45 was saying all along? but when mentioned in other threads here... HE and WE were called " Idiots... Trump shills... right wing loonies etc"

                            WELL WHO the fuck is laughing NOW?
                            BS FAKE NEWS AGAIN What a SUCKER! FISA warrants are very very very hard to get! Back to Obama AGAIN!
                            your Hilarious Maybe you should read some real news for a change.


                            • Phil B.
                              Field Supervisor

                              10,000+ Posts
                              • Jul 2016
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                              Re: Let the truth be known

                              Originally posted by Phil B.
                              betcha that CNN and other failing MSM ( yes even FAUX News ) sites won't even mention this part of the IG report:


                              just saw this.. wonder what MSM group will " sweep this under the rug? "

                              Former Bill Clinton Pilot Charged with Aggravated Child Molestation, Sodomy and Statutory Rape - Big League Politics

                              and notice .. could he have been the private pilot that shuttled Bill n Kill to " Lolita Island? "

                              it has turned into a faster drip drip drip of the dems wrong doing...

                              Looks like "Drain The Swamp" is having it's drain cover cleaned of the sludge!

