irc3200 - noise

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  • y_us1982
    • Feb 2025

    irc3200 - noise

    after makes a copy, my irc3200 machine made a sounds like a spring inside the fixing unit. what it could be? any suggestion?
  • y_us1982

    i had replace the fixing unit(FG6-9070-310) but the banging sound still exist. i'd search but couldn't find any spring that make the banging sound. is there any spring that can make that banging sound except the fixing unit?

    Originally posted by Canon.Tech
    This is a very common problem with this machine.
    Basically over time the upper & lower fixing rollers form flat spots, so when they turn make a banging sound.
    This can also cause jamming & print quality issues.
    The only option is to replace the fixing unit. FG6-9070-310
    I have replaced/refurbished the units but I feel it’s not worth the effort as the plastic guides etc warp over time & also cause problems.
    To prolong the life of this unit lower the sleep timer to 2 hours or less I have found this helps.


    • mrfixit51
      Lead Service Technician

      1,000+ Posts
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      The fuser drive cluster on the copiers rear frame wall has gears that wear out that can cause the popping noise I believe you are describing...
      "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"


      • doktor
        Trusted Tech

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        i had replace the fixing unit(FG6-9070-310)-with new?Fixing roller or pressure roller or bearing make this sound


        • y_us1982

          Originally posted by mrfixit51
          The fuser drive cluster on the copiers rear frame wall has gears that wear out that can cause the popping noise I believe you are describing...
          sounds like possible. mrfixit, could u describe to me where is the gear exactly located? do u have a pict of it?


          • teckat
            Field Supervisor

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            Originally posted by y_us1982
            sounds like possible. mrfixit, could u describe to me where is the gear exactly located? do u have a pict of it?
            Motor M25 (horizontal registration motor) located on the bottom of the duplex assembly can cause a noise when the copy paper exits the machine.
            To test to see if the motor is the issue, perform Copier>Function>Part-Chk>Mtr = 16 in service mode. Replace the motor if necessary (part number of motor M25 is FH6-1253-020).


            Fix Gears=#26=FU3-0312-000/ 30T
            #27=FU3-0313-000/=GEAR, 20T

            **Knowledge is time consuming, exhausting and costly for a trained Tech.**


            • mrfixit51
              Lead Service Technician

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              Originally posted by y_us1982
              sounds like possible. mrfixit, could u describe to me where is the gear exactly located? do u have a pict of it?
              I don't have access to the treasure trove of pictures that Teckat has, but a little simple investigation on your part will lead you to the area that I mentioned. The gears on the rear of the fuser mesh with a spring loaded drive cluster on the copier. Simply get down on your knees and peer into the copier and see where the fuser gears would mesh with that drive cluster. I have been able to replace the swing gear and the pivoting gear from the interior of the copier. Just be mindful of the spring that biases the cluster into the fuser, and hang onto that while you service the drive mechanism so it does not fall into the rear of the copier...
              "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"


              • Van Steal
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                Could also be the exit roller has poped out of its housing. Just needs to be cliped back in. Pull out the fixing ass'y and open exit panel and under the white clip for the deflector guide at the front you will see the roller shaft.


                • teckat
                  Field Supervisor

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                  that would cause a Jam
                  **Knowledge is time consuming, exhausting and costly for a trained Tech.**


                  • mrfixit51
                    Lead Service Technician

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                    There is a guide that over time pops out of its pivot and drags on the external delivery exit roller that can be put back into place, eliminating that noise, kind of a ratcheting sound as it bumps into the flutes on the roller.
                    "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"


                    • Van Steal
                      Trusted Tech

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                      Originally posted by teckat
                      that would cause a Jam
                      You'd think it would but works fine apart from the noise. The drive gear is at the rear and that gets drive but the front bushing drops out of the clip. Have seen it alot, very common.

